Best Wardrobe Staples
So much of my job involves walking around in high heels for 12 hours, so when I'm not working I wear jeans, tank tops, and a great pair of kicks. I call this productive dressing, because I'm comfortable enough to get things done.

Best Morning Routine
I like to wake up at 7 and hike with my dogs—a golden retriever mix named Rumi, and Kai, a little mutt—on one of the great trails around Hollywood. Though I adopted them, I actually feel like my dogs rescued me. They've made my life so much richer.

Best Drink
When I travel to different cities or countries, I always try whatever local beers are on tap. I prefer light or amber colored, unless I'm in Ireland—where I'm obviously drinking Guinness.

Best Read
Oh, the Places You'll Go!, by Dr. Seuss, is still one of my favorite books ever. I even named my parrot Seuss! The part I love most—"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose"—reminds me I can choose every day the kind of person I want to be.

Best Secret Talent
Few people know this about me, but I love baking pies. I make blueberry in August, pumpkin in the fall. I've built a reputation among friends: When I gave my trainer a gift certificate for his birthday, he said, "Where's my pie?"

Best Excuse
Extra time with the people—or animals—you love is always a fine reason to be late. Recently, when I was running to catch a plane, I still went back upstairs and left a note for my boyfriend to say goodnight and tell him I love him.

Best New Year's Eve
Surrounded by friends and family, sitting down to a warm, heavy meal. With a little bubbly, of course.

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