Jackie says she worries for her 13-year-old son, Chase. "Kids are always pushing him around, calling him a loser and a fag. He's been threatened and punched," she says. "Once a week, I am at his school trying to calm him down or talk with teachers and counselors about why he's being picked on. Nothing seems to work."

A recent warning sign has Jackie more worried than ever. "Chase left a note at school saying he couldn't take it anymore," she says. "I'm scared as his mother that he might just go away and that I can't help him."

Chase says ignoring the bullying is doing more harm than good, but he's never seriously thought about taking his life. "Sometimes it gets to the point where I feel that I should have," he says. "It just doesn't feel to me that it would solve anything. I just feel that it would make things worse, for not only me, but everyone around me."
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