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Admit it: You're sick of hearing about date nights all together, including but not limited to: the importance of, the rules for, blah, blah, blah. This doesn't mean you don't think interesting things or long to share them with your spouse. The next time you stumble on, say, how to make a penny ball that repels slugs, make sure you share it with your husband, the gardener, by using a technique reported on by Adam Bryant in Quick and Nimble: Lessons from Leading CEOs on How to Create a Culture of Innovation. Each week, as Bryant describes, the CEO of the social-networking site Foursquare, Dennis Crowley, sends an email to his whole company. The email has three parts "Things I'm Psyched About," "Things I'm Not Pysched About" and "Things I'm Working On," as well as a list of links to random things he finds interesting. The emails give people a bird's-eye view of Crowley's thoughts and plans, writes Bryant. And, best of all, are "a good way to start a conversation" that doesn't involve the cost of a babysitter or who forgot to make the reservation (again).