Where does your teen look for help? It could be a relative, friend of the family, clergy member, teacher, school counselor, coach or even the police. A local domestic violence program or the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline (866-331-9474) can tell you if there is a program or support group in your community.

Remember, communication is an ongoing part of your relationship with your child. Revisit these questions over time, and keep checking in with your teenager. Knowing that you are there for them, to listen, talk to, support and accept them as they navigate the challenging waters of adolescence, can put them way ahead of the game in forming healthy, respectful, nonviolent relationships. We hope the questions in this handbook will serve as a guide to begin these important conversations. With a little time, energy, compassion and engaged listening, you can make the most of your role in the life of your son or daughter.
© Liz Claiborne Inc.'s Love Is Not Abuse campaign,


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