Dr. Laura Berman explains the external view of the female anatomy

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When it comes to knowing your body, Dr. Berman says women should learn what everything is, where it is located and what it does. A woman's vulva is the entire external region, and a vagina is just the internal part, Dr. Berman explains. "When you're calling [the vulva] a vagina, you're reducing a woman's whole genitals to that internal canal," she says.

Watch Dr. Berman's anatomy lesson! Watch

Women have three openings: the urethra, the vagina and the anus. Dr. Berman says women often believe that urine comes out of the vagina, but in fact it come out of the urethral opening. 

Stimulation of the clitoris is the most common source of female orgasms, Dr. Berman says. "The clitoris is actually 10 to 12 centimeters in length. It branches out internally and reaches almost to the pubic bone in a woman's body," she says. "But this area has more nerve endings than any other part of the body and more nerve endings than a man's entire penis. It's a very important hot spot in a woman's anatomy."

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