You know the type:
"One ought to hold on to one's heart; for if one lets it go, one soon loses control of the head, too." So wrote Nietzsche, and if you are a Director, you will relate. Directors are analytical and logical, straightforward, decisive, tough minded, focused, and good at rule-based and spatial skills like mechanics, math, and music. They also tend to be ambitious and competitive, as well as emotionally contained, even aloof. Yet these are the men and women who rush into a burning building to save a stranger.

Famous examples: Albert Einstein, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher.

Under the influence: Testosterone (we think of it as the male sex hormone, but women have it too) is especially active in shaping the Director's personality.

Longs for: A mind mate.

Bonds well with: Negotiators.

If you are a Director: You like to be in control and tend to date with determination, but if you can be patient and let things unfold naturally, it will help you avoid scaring off possible romance. And while you may regard expressing your emotions as a weakness, the other person is likely to take your restraint as a sign that you are cold, secretive, or uninterested. So share your feelings.

If you are dating one: Remember that he or she will respond best if you are logical, accurate, and clear. Don't criticize yourself (many Directors regard this as pathetic), and if you want to intrigue your partner, pursue topics of substance rather than small talk.


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