Healthy breakfast option Oprah's Weekly Menu
Instead of eating a big meal at night or snacking throughout the day, Oprah's meal plan emphasizes small, healthy, satisfying meals. Plus, the recipe for her green drink and favorite meatballs.
Get the 7-day schedule

Oprah's new diet plan New Year, New Plan
Oprah's putting herself back on the priority list in 2009. Watch as she shares her new schedule and exercise routine. Why she loves resistance training!
A day in the life of Oprah Watch

Get Bob's Best Life Diet recipes. Best Life Diet Recipes
Ready to make the commitment to healthy eating? Sample some of Bob's Best Life Diet recipes. We've got your breakfast, lunch and dinner covered.
Smoothies, sides and more!

Get Bob's fitness plan. Back-to-Business Fitness Plan
Whether you're starting from square one or have landed back there, don't kick yourself. Bob's 12-week exercise program will help you get back on track.
Beginner, intermidiate and advanced plans

Foods to avoid 6 Foods to Avoid
If you want to keep the weight off, you might have to make some sacrifices. From white bread to fried foods, discover the six things Bob says you must banish from your diet.
Diet-busting offenders

The Best Life Diet Bob's Best Life Diet
Explore Best Life Diet recipes, weight loss tools and meal plans. Plus, the shopping list you'll want to take to the store.
Find out more!


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