Shar M.

<b>Shar M.</b><br>

Bangkok, Thailand, and grew up in Victoria, Australia (Indian by heritage) <br><br>

<i>I was born in Thailand, of Indian heritage, and have lived and worked in Australia, as well as the Far and Middle East. I operated the largest group of spas in Thailand before opening my own property in Abu Dhabi. Back in Australia, I run three successful businesses centered around Business Mastermind Groups, Business Mentoring and editingan online business-focused magazine. My goal is to open an orphanage in Thailand in 2016. </i>


<b>What are your 3 favorite things? </b><br>

My 3 favorite things are: <br>

1) Helping people find their purpose in life, as I believe we have One Life, One Purpose! (Also, the name of my upcoming book :-) 2) Connecting people authentically from the heart, and this only happens when we connect based on "Y" we do what we do, not "what" we do, and I do this through my work on, as connections made from a Y base come from the heart, whereas connections made on a what basis come from the head. 3) Spending time around the family dinner table, listening and watching my kids interact with each other and reminiscing about the trouble they used to get up to when we lived overseas. I know so much more about them now!!


<b>What would your superpower be? </b><br>

My superpower is to help people find their true purpose in life and assist them in turning their passion into profit through my mentoring program and workshops. If I had a superpower, I would make every person I meet see the genius zone inside them and stop letting past hurts and fears stop them from standing tall on their stage of life. I even have my own superpower character, as I ask everyone I meet for the first time Y they do what they do, so I am known as the YWoman! (I need a cape now!)


<b>What is the first thing you do when you wake up? </b><br>

Before my eyes are open, I acknowledge my achievements in life so far and remind myself how grateful I am that I am a wife, mum to three children, one grandchild, am an author, speaker and mentor and remind myself that just three years ago I was facing bankruptcy and now have a thriving business. I cherish all the beautiful people in my life and say affirmations in my head, about how I want the day to be, before my feet even touch the ground! Oh yes, all this followed closely by checking Facebook and Twitter&hellip;


<b>What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? </b><br>

Okay, I must admit, I work in bed&hellip; I know, I know&hellip; but when you are opening an orphanage in Thailand in a few years, every minute counts! So I do work all hours at the moment, doing what I love to do and the very last thing before I go to sleep I will chat with my husband about something great that happened today and he will massage my head until I fall asleep. I'm one lucky lady being married to my best friend for nearly 22 years.


<b>What is your favorite OWN show? </b><br>

I couldn't choose, I love them all, but if I had to pick one I would say <i>Super Soul Sunday</i>. I love Oprah's shows because she is congruent on and off TV and is so authentic I can relate to her just being her. I see myself in her and one day wish to be the Oprah or Shar-prah of Australia! Y not? If you can dream it you can have it, and I'm dreaming all the time!


<b>What is the one item you can't live without and why? </b><br>

My family. They mean everything to me. And an item would be my lipstick. You never know who you might meet around the next corner!


<b>Who is your hero? </b><br>

I have many�heroes and mentors in my life and some are globally famous like Oprah and some are just a few steps ahead of me. I don't�believe in elevating anyone up to a higher status, however, I hugely respect my mentors for the brave steps they have taken and times they have picked themselves up from the bathroom floor at�2 in the morning and follow them closely. I love Debra Lee-Furness, and her work with orphans.�


<b>What do you like that most people dislike? </b><br>

I like chili for breakfast and I don't think many people would like that! I am Indian after all&hellip;.


<b>What would you like to learn to do?</b><br>

Sing&hellip;. Even my shower singing is bad!


<b>What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about? </b><br>

Not much really, but I guess they always laugh at my saying that I want things done yesterday and even then, that's too late!

Featured OWNer Charity W.

Charity W.
Hometown: Alpharetta, Georgia, by way of Swansea, South Carolina

I am a mother of one daughter, full-time employee and full-time student currently in pursuit of my PhD in Education! I am very passionate about reaching back and helping others in any way that I can. I seek clarity in defining my purpose—my ultimate goal is to find out my life's assignment or calling and just begin to pursue that!!

What are your three favorite things?
(1) My Providence—He IS Love and Life. (2) My daughter—she's my miracle and my reminder to NEVER QUIT. (3) A comfy couch/bed with an UNBELIEVABLY delightful book—It allows me to get LOST on purpose while my imagination RUNS WILD!!:)

What would your superpower be?
If I could have a superpower, it would be the power of CREATION—to create anything, anyone or even EVERYTHING! I would be the "Fairy Godmother" that make DREAMS come TRUE and/or empower others to dream even BIGGER!

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Say "Thank You" for the breath that I STILL have—it's THE indication of LIFE and as long as there is life, there exists another Brand NEW day to begin again… and to DREAM even BIGGER!

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Garner my thoughts/goals/deepest desires, focus on those that are joyous and those that fuel and incite positivity. This helps to conjure my dreams… I call this "Dreaming with Intention!"

What is your favorite OWN show?
It is very difficult for me to list a "Favorite" show as there are a number of them that I enjoy and watch regularly! I have stated many times and will do so again: OWN is arguably the BEST network there is! If it were the "OWNLY" network on television, I would be SATISFIED, as I know that the world would be a much better place!!

What is the one item you can�t live without and why?
My ability to breathe: It is my assurance of LIFE and I know that as long as I have that… I still have another chance and I can do anything!

Who is your hero?
As "generic" as this may sound, especially in lieu of my support for all things OWN, as a child, Oprah was DEFINITELY and still is my Hero! She was THE individual who taught and demonstrated the POWER of a dream and resilience! Another of my Heroes, my "Grandmother" (in my head), The LEGEND and now our angel Dr. Maya Angelou! She once said: "A hero is any person intent on making this a better place for all people." I have ALWAYS been encouraged and enlightened by her writings of wisdom and by this mere definition, there are SO many others of whose names I do not know that have stood and paved the way for me to stand in freedom… they are my Heroes! EVERY serviceman or woman that has served THIS great country… They, too, are my Heroes! Then there are the babies of today that continuously show INSURMOUNTABLE courage through their own personal battles, yet they STILL smile and exude SO much Joy and encouragement; those like Little Miss Leah Still, daughter of Cincinnati Bengals Star, Devon Still… She's DEFINATELY my Hero! Last, but certainly NOT least, to EVERY family member, friend or individual who has ever helped me throughout any phase of my journey of life—from my grandmother who has always believed in me, parents who have always supported me… all the way to my own little Princess who keeps Mommy encouraged … They are ALL, without a doubt… MY Heroes in every way imaginable!

What do you like that most people dislike?
Structure and discipline. When things are chaotic around you, it tends to reflect the chaos that may be present in your own life. Though I may sometimes get disorganized, it is always rejuvenating to reestablish structure and gain a sense of peace and accomplishment.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is "mess" or "drama"; ANYTHING spoken or done to tear down the spirit of another person on purpose! I realize that we all are guilty of saying and doing things out of anger and strife, but it bothers me to witness a broken spirit, especially if it is done in my presence. My dad has always stated, "You have always liked to champion the cause of the underdog!" I was THAT person that would step up when everyone else would walk away. I just can't deal… (that's ALL I can say about that).

What would you like to learn to do?
I would LOVE to learn a second language!

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
For me to be as young as I am, my friends and family have always told me that I am an "Old Soul" and somewhat "out of touch" with what's going on in my age group… Honestly, I tend to have closer relationships with those older than me. I don't exactly see that as all the way bad… or is it?? I'll leave that for you to decide… :)
Featured OWNer Brandii D.

Brandii D.
Brandii D. East St. Louis, Illinois

"No is a complete sentence." I learned this from Oprah. I love to love people, but I first love MYSELF. I am at that stubborn age of 30 where everything is starting to make sense.

What are your three favorite things?
1. Having a great pre-Prohibition cocktail. 2. Hanging out with friends and laughing. 3. Traveling.

What would your superpower be?
Being able to use every part of my brain.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Use the restroom :)

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Say a personal prayer.

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday." It gives me goosebumps every time.

What is the one item you can't live without and why?
My Oprah scarf that I got as a gift from our trip to Australia. It means so much to me. It reminds me to work so that I can live, not live so that I can work.

Who is your hero?
My mother. She's the strongest person that I know.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Kettle popcorn. Most like butter.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people brush their teeth and try to talk to you. Yuck!

What would you like to learn to do?
Learn Spanish.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Wearing summer/fall clothes in the winter. Flip-flops, shorts and a hoodie go over well in Nebraska, not so much in D.C.
Featured OWNer Kharissa F.

Kharissa F.
Kharissa F. Kansas City, Missouri (Go, Royals!)

Creative, eclectic and abstract probably best describes my personality. I'm a wife and mother of two on a journey to fulfill my purpose in this life as a writer. While my reason for being unfolds, I make an honest buck as a communications consultant for a firm that I started in Kansas City. I'm also a contributing editor for a local Christian newspaper where I write to women about different spiritual lessons. I am here and I thoroughly enjoy living life.

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are pen and paper, autumn and a fresh cup of Oprah's Chai Tea Latte!

What would your superpower be?
If I had a superpower, it would be to get people to truly love unconditionally. Love past the resentment. Love past the regret. Love past the jealousy and anything else that prevents people from living up to their full potential.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do when I wake up is brush my teeth. Can't change the world with foul breath.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before I go to bed is tell God, "Thank you." Regardless if I lived up to my standard of the day or got everything crossed off the list, I was granted another set of 24 hours to practice giving life my best shot.

What is your favorite OWN show?
Wow! I have to pick just one? My top three are "Super Soul Sunday," Master Class and Lifeclass, but if I had to pick just one it would be "Super Soul Sunday" because it's made me a more open-minded person spiritually. "Super Soul Sunday" brings practicality to what we're taught. It's easier to answer the question, "How do I apply these lessons to my life?" because of the show. I believe "Super Soul Sunday" is a prime example of what happens when we accept our callings and walk into them. The result: We not only touch lives, we change them. Ah! That's exciting!

What is the one item you can�t live without and why?
I cannot live without a pen! I can write on whatever, ha! Just give me a pen so I can make the thoughts tangible. Getting the words out of my mind and onto a surface—preferably paper, of course—is how I begin to fight the resistance that comes with walking into my calling as a writer. I just have to write.

Who is your hero?
My hero—or heroes, rather—are all of the spirits who don't just chase their dreams, but they guide them into existence. They look logic, negativity and failure dead in the eyes and say, "You will not stop me from reaching my calling."

What do you like that most people dislike?
One of the things that I like that most people don't is roasted brussels sprouts. Wrap those bad boys in bacon, drizzle them with a little EVOO and toss them in the oven for a few minutes. That's heaven. I can also drink just about any kind of healthy smoothie concoction you can come up with. If it's good for my body, it's going down—literally!

What is your biggest pet peeve? This may seem petty, but my biggest pet peeve is when people smack. I'm sorry, but I don't want to hear you eat.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would love to learn to speak Spanish fluently. I know just enough to have fulfilled degree requirements from college classes, but I actually really love the language.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about? I love to sing, but my friends say that I can't hold a note to save my life! I don't believe them, though…

Antique L.
Hometown: Boulder, Colorado—now live in Wasilla, Alaska

I am an encourager. I believe in our own nature to overcome and thrive no matter what our past has been. I am an overcomer myself and I thrive helping others tap into the best within themselves.

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are self-empowerment, my children and dance parties in the kitchen.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower is to see the good in all people and witness their brilliance.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
First thing in the morning I pray, give thanks and then drink water.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do is pray, go over my gratitude list and plan for tomorrow—truly I pull up the covers.

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday" for sure. I love the inspiration, your guests, and the hope and promise it breathes into our world (my world).

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My dream board. As a visionary it is my lifeline to track where I am, what I am choosing differently and where I am going. I like to revisit it often and have since I was 14 years old (now 38).

Who is your hero?
My hero is St. Theresa, the little flower. She was so brilliant staying out of others' business, living truth, giving.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I like green drinks…I know it has become popular these days, but growing up with a juicing mother made me a bit of an oddball. I just love kale, lemon, ginger, apples and celery all juiced together in one heavenly melody.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who don't take responsibility for their choices.

What would you like to learn to do?
Speak another language for sure, Spanish then French.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
For sure, grammar and spelling. I am thankful each day for my fabulous editor Donna, my blog, books and expression wouldn't be possible without her genius in the mix.

RaShaunda F.
Hometown: Middletown, Ohio

I'm the mother of an awesome 13-year-old son. I'm an entrepreneur with a flair for social media marketing and a passion for empowering women. I started a business from the ground up. Though it's not been easy, I stuck it out. I'm drawn to all things positive, inspirational and motivational. I do this as a part of my career, but to be honest I think that it's more for me. Teaching others has forced me to overcome my own challenges and issues. I'm blessed with a gift that keeps on giving.

What are your three favorite things? Reading, hanging out with my son and empowering women to pursue their dreams.

What would your superpower be? My superpower would be: Flying (I have reoccurring dreams that I'm able to fly in the midst of trouble, so it's only fitting that I'd love to be able to do that in real life. :-) )

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? The first thing I do when I wake up is: Pray and give thanks to God for another day. Then I write down my dreams in my dream journal. I'm a dreamer and my dreams always foretell what's to come or at least they always have a message for me. So I write them down so not to forget them.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? The last thing I do before bed is write in my journal. I give thanks to God for the day and all provisions made and I vent if need be.

What is your favorite OWN show? By far I'd have to say "Super Soul Sunday". It feeds my spirit in a way that church does. Seeing so many beautiful people from all walks of life share their stories, ideas, insight, experiences, etc. is refreshing. Oftentimes, the guests that are featured on the show either confirm many of my own thoughts or they answer questions that have been lingering in my mind for a long time. I always walk away with an "AHA" moment.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why? If I have to choose just one thing it would be my laptop. It's how I connect with the world!

What do you like that most people dislike? A lot of alone time. LOL. I love my own company. Don't misunderstand, I LOVE my family and friends but I do appreciate my own company just as much. And I've come to find that most people are the opposite. They always have to have someone around. That's totally not me.

Who is your hero? I'm learning to become my own hero. It took me a long time to get to this point because I was always admiring something or someone outside of myself. With age that has changed, and I recognize and honor the woman that I've become as well as who I'm becoming. Yes, there are many women that I admire but I've come to realize that even then, what I admire about them I have in me. So in a sense, the women that I do admire have been like mirrors to me. Reflecting back to me all that I am and shall be.

What is your biggest pet peeve? Judgmental people.

What would you like to learn to do? Yoga. I've tried it and I'm a bit clumsy and I have vertigo so I fall a lot. LOL. But I don't want that to stop me. I want to do it. So, I have to give it another go.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about? Socializing. I'm a homebody by nature so when they pull and tug at me to "be more social" I tend to be the party pooper who'd rather sit at home all cozy while reading a book or watching OWN of course. ;-)

Charmane S.
Hometown: Chester, Pennsylvania, but I now live in Austin, Texas

I am 52 years old. I am an honorable veteran (USAF) and I own a construction company. I mentor and volunteer, and I have allowed myself to become overweight. I'm on the journey of discipline to work it off and keep it off! Also, I LOVE to read and love my album collection of music.

What is your favorite OWN show? Super Soul Sunday

What are your three favorite things? (1) Reading a book that I've been excited about. (2) Traveling to beautiful places and/or spending time with family and friends. (3) Supporting and participating in efforts and initiatives that support women veterans transitioning from military life to civilian life, specifically in the area of encouraging them to start or grow a business, because I am a veteran of the United States Air Force. Also, supporting efforts by organizations that empower girls and young ladies to be change agents and innovators in S.T.E.M. careers or businesses.

What would your superpower be? WRITING!!! To be able to write letters, shorts stories, blogs and/or books that encourage and empower girls, young ladies and women to listen to their hearts, their intuition regarding embracing the self-worth, self-esteem, beauty, brains and determine their purpose in life as it evolves, and do something each day that is a part of that purpose, then DREAM BIG—and DO IT!!!!

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Say, "Thank you God for waking me this morning!" Please help me see, hear and feel the blessings you have for me and what I can do to pay it forward to spread kindness to others."

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? Okay, I'll admit it, check my phones for emails, then Facebook, then Twitter, then I read a few pages of whatever I'm reading now, which happens to be "Jonathan Livingston Seagull—one of my all-time FAVORITE books since I was a child!

What is the one item you can't live without, and why? Music, because it soothes my soul, makes me laugh, cry, dance, remember people, places and very fond memories about what was happening when a particular song was out or was playing. It's the universal elixir.

What do you like that most people dislike? Reading. Nowadays people do not like to read. Also, I like going up to people I don't know at conferences and workshops to introduce myself and network. Most people stay with who they came with or gravitate only to those they believe they are comfortable with.

Who is your hero? My mom!!! Although she passed from battling breast cancer in February 1994, as an only child, our bond was, and still is yet in a different way, very strong. She remains my hero—she's always been my "Oprah" in the sense that my mom, from the time I was 3 or 4 until she made her transition "back home" taught me about inspiration, motivation, dreaming outside of what someone else might try to box me into, teaching me to love myself and be the best "ME" and pay it forward. All that I do, I do in loving honor of her life and memory by continuing to make her proud of the woman I have become and am still growing each day. I named my company ALEON Properties, Inc. (API) in memory of her, as her name was Leona. I started a scholarship in her name, and my vision is for my company to be very successful so I can contribute to the scholarship and grow it into an endowment in the area of nursing—my mom was a remarkable and loving nurse. She will always be my SHE-RO!!!

What would you like to learn to do? Speak Japanese and French fluently. I learned them at a very basic level at one time and never carried it forward or kept with it.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about? Public speaking—I sweat like Moses Malone! LOL

Ti'Gre M.
Hometown: Carmel, Indiana

I have been married to Allan for 17 years and am a mother of a 15-year-old daughter, Ashten Rae. My motto is that I love you the moment I meet you. I love flowers, the color pink, coffee, movies, baths, cotton pajamas, biographies and being authentic. I pursue joy with a vengeance and am attracted to others who reek of it.

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite show on OWN? Too hard to choose, but it is Iyanla: Fix My Life. I resonate with this show because it is important for every human being to "do the work" in order to become whole. We are complete when we accept our truth and allow that truth to usher us into the greatness we are destined to be.

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are coffee, cotton pajamas and any kind of movie that is not a horror movie!

What would your superpower be?
If I had a superpower, it would be to look into someone's dream and make it come true.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Sing the song that is in my heart.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Peek in on my daughter.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
Honestly, I could not think of one item that I can't live without, because items are things and they don't mean as much to me as people and relationships. (I know that is boring, but it's my truth).

What do you like that most people dislike?
Going to the movies alone.

What are you proudest of?
I am proudest of my family. Our ability to love unconditionally.

Who is your hero?
My hero is my godmother, Constance. She did not realize that she was providing young girls with self-esteem, while making a difference in our lives through dance. She was just giving the best that she had, which was her time. Her passion for dance eradicates limitations of age, race, gender and ability.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is negativity.

What would you like to learn to do?
Speak Spanish.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?

Susan N.
Hometown: Canton, Ohio

I am someone's child, sister, wife, mother, aunt and a sister-in-law. Breast cancer survivor (2008). Love life and know that whatever we do, we do only by the grace of God. Love people and love working with my hands. Still growing even at 53 and beginning to have fun as my kids are growing. I love clothes and looking my best starts as soon as I wake up even when I am not leaving the house.

What is your favorite OWN show?
Oprah's Master Class is my favorite OWN show.

What are your three favorite things?
Three of my favorite things are books, movies and my journal.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be having the power to remind each person how we have the "grace" of God renewed each day.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
As soon as my eyes open I grab my bible and three prayer books from my bedside table.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before I go to sleep is write in my gratitude journal and read two prayer books and the lights are out.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My glasses. I take them off as I fall asleep and put them back on as soon as I wake up. The world is a little blurry without them :)

What do you like that most people dislike?
Watching golf with my husband on a Sunday afternoon

What are you proudest of?
My siblings. We hang in there with each other.

Who is your hero?
My hero is my sister Violet Onyemenam who has had my back through thick and thin. She is the one I go to when I am done talking with God and still need help.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Texting at dinner or when I am trying to have a chat with my kids and the phone keeps going off.

What would you like to learn to do?
Ride a bike, never rode one

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Coordinated to the core. Most times my shoes, bag and jewelry match. When we go to our parties, we step out looking our best and my friends know that when I die they better making everything I am wearing matching or else..... Okay I will be dead so no need to stress :(

Kimberly T.
Hometown: Texarkana, Texas

First, I am a single mother to a wonderful 19-year-old daughter. I am also a corporate recruiter of more than 15 years and, now, a newly self-published author. I'm fun-loving, kind-hearted and I love to be around positive mindsets. I volunteer for several organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity and Dress for Success in Dallas, Texas. I am also a member of the Potters House with Bishop T.D. Jakes. I'm a foodie who's always up for trying new foods. I am also a recovering perfume-and-shoe-aholic, meaning I am trying to buy less (and am doing well). Also, I'm always up for mind medicine, meaning thought-provoking conversations.

What is your favorite OWN show?
I love the OWN network and watch so many shows—but Raising Whitley, Iyanla: Fix My Life, Sweetie Pies and Super Soul Sunday are my favorites.

What are your three favorite things?
(1) My 19-year-old-daughter—she keeps me laughing. (2) My mother's journal—she passed away in 2004. (3) The praying-hands angel statue I got from my mom.

What would your superpower be?
I would be the superwoman who could save everybody from their issues.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do is pray!

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last things I do before I go to bed are make my next-day to-do list, clean up and brush my teeth.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My cell phone, because I can keep up with social media, receive my calls, look up information and plan/schedule business meetings.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I like my quiet time. A lot of people can't be alone. To me, this is my time to sit still. It allows me time to make sure I'm centered, staying balanced and keeping my peace and sanity.

What are you proudest of?
I am proudest of being told by my friends and family that I was the best daughter I could be while my mother was alive. To be able to have given back to her for being the best mother, and having put her life on hold for her children, while having to deal with the pain of lupus for most of her life. She never complained, and that's how I try to be.

Who is your hero?
Strong black women with wisdom and peace are my heroes, like my mom, Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Maya Angelou, Michelle Obama and any black female that has had an opportunity to empower my mind and leave an imprint with their life endeavors on others like me!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Liars. People who can't keep their word or just lie about nothing.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would love to learn to speak Spanish fluently. I know some and can understand certain words, but I would love to understand and speak it fluently.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Being on time. They laugh at me now because I do everything in my power to be on time, and when I am, I make a point to say, "See, I'm on time, now."

Tiawana T.
Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri

"I am blessed to be the mother of a beautiful 8-year-old daughter. I just completed my MBA program at Webster University George Herbert Walker School of Business in St. Louis. I am a 17-year employee of Barnes-Jewish Hospital. I am a faithful member of Kennerly Temple COGIC, where my pastor is Bishop R.J. Ward. I am the local Sunshine Band leader at my church, a Girl Scout troop leader and a Parent Advisory Board member in the Jennings School District. I am very single (hint, hint), and seeking a leadership position (hint, hint), one in which I can display my knowledge, experience and skill set."

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite show on OWN has to be Raising Whitley. She is so funny and we are in similar situations.

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things will have to be pizza, Imo's to be exact, a good leather bag and shoes.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be a hyper-photographic memory. I would love to be able to remember everything about my childhood. I do have memories that I cherish, but I wish I could remember those special moments and conversations with my grandmother.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Honestly, the first thing I do is check the clock to see how much longer I can sleep before it is time to get up. Of course, the very next thing I do is say, "Thank you, Jesus," for waking me up.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
I rub my 8-year-old-daughter's forehead with blessed oil and pray for her every night before I go to bed.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My bible. It comforts me. Whenever I am feeling discouraged I can open my bible and be encouraged. To God be the glory!

What do you like that most people dislike?
I like my quiet time. A lot of people can't be alone. To me, this is my time to sit still. It allows me time to make sure I'm centered, staying balanced and keeping my peace and sanity.

What are you proudest of?
I am proudest of being the first grandchild to graduate from high school, the first in my family to go to and graduate from both undergraduate and graduate school. I try to be the best example for my younger sisters and my cousins.

Who is your hero?
My grandmother, Alma Thomas. She was an awesome, God-fearing mother of 10 children, 25 grandchildren and, at the time of her demise, 16 great-grandchildren. My grandparents raised all of their children in the church and advocated for education. I was honored to have my grandmother see me walk across the stage at my high school graduation and to see me go off to college. I know that she was proud to know that I went further than even I expected. I am the first in my family to graduate from college and to earn an MBA, and it's all because my grandmother told me that she was "Sooooo Proud!" of me.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Women who leave the restroom without washing their hands, oh, how that bothers me. I tend to ask them, "Are you really not going to wash your hands?," and the replies I get are hilarious,

What would you like to learn to do?
I would love to learn to knit. I know that sounds lame, but I take the Metrolink (public transportation) to work daily and I think that would be a good way to pass time, a good hobby.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Approaching men. I am very friendly and I have always had male friends, but I honestly believe that men should approach women when they are attracted. Men always flirt, but they seldom approach me and I am too afraid to approach them.

Janet P.
Hometown: The Bronx, New York

"I'm a free-spirited and charismatic mother of three beautiful gems. I am also a first-time grandma! I love to cook, read and dance salsa!"

What is your favorite OWN show?
Without a shadow of a doubt, my favorite show is Super Soul Sunday!

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are OWN TV, love of my family, and my religious upbringing in the Yoruban tradition.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be to eradicate all disease!

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do upon waking is to stretch my arms toward the heavens and say thank you!!!!

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do is to thank God, my ancestors and my orishas for their blessing. I ask them to keep me amazingly in light just as they are!

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My OWN TV! I have discovered so many beautiful levels of myself from watching the quality programming OWN TV gives us. :-)

What do you like that most people dislike?
Black licorice.

What are you proudest of?
In am proudest of my growth as a light worker. There was a time in my life when darkness plagued me. I had to look inside to find my light. It wasn't an easy road, but I made it!

Who is your hero?
Oprah is my hero. She has helped me believe that there is nothing in this world we can't achieve! Thank you for this honor!!!!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who litter on the buses and trains in New York City.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would love to learn to cook Thai food! Yummerz!

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Being a sucker for love...

Shanene P.
Hometown: Tampa, Florida

"It's not easy for me to describe myself. I like to say that as I bring myself to everything, I bring love. So I guess that makes me a love-bearer. But I believe my self-perception agrees with the way someone I adore has observed about me. He told me that I am 'so gentle and kind.' Of course, I am also a mother, a writer, a hard worker, a dreamer, a beach lover, a travel and culture enthusiast, and an unashamed introvert who appreciates the bliss of solitude."

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday" is my favorite OWN show. In the midst of the challenging world we live in, it is an amazing opportunity to examine and develop my spiritual presence and to share in the ideas and experiences of Ms. Oprah and her guests. There is nothing like it on TV, yet such conversation about how to be better people and the inspiration to do better in our world is so needed.

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are writing, dancing to music, and beaches.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be mind reading.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I thank God for all blessings and wish us both a great day.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
I thank God again and wish Him a good night.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I cannot live without some sort of computer device (laptop, iPad, smartphone, etc.). Having access to a tool that connects me to people, information and a means to share ideas at all times has become essential to me.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Very hot and spicy foods. Although most people run from the slightest hint of spicy foods, I relish the heat and love the burn. The hotter the better.

What are you proudest of?
Tooting my own horn is not easy for me, but since you asked, I will share. I'm so proud of my children's book, We Love Our Hair, which I recently self-published. It's all about encouraging young girls to celebrate and appreciate the beauty of their natural hair. So many people have been kind enough to give me extremely positive feedback about it, and I'm just delighted to finally be able to share the book with children everywhere. I'm really very proud that I was able to accomplish that.

Who is your hero?
My mother, the strongest person I know.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have a few pet peeves, but my biggest pet peeve is people who impose their noise on others (e.g., gum popping, nail clipping, blasting music in residential areas, unnecessary siren sounding, etc.). Such inconsideration for people's right to peace and quiet at home really grinds my gears.

What would you like to learn to do?
I'd love to learn to swim, once and for all. I love the beach, pools and water in general, but I can't fully enjoy it because I don't know how to swim. So I just dip my toes in or go in no more than waist deep. For fun and safety, I'd like to finally learn.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Swimming. I don't know how to swim. I've tried, but I always end up just flapping around and getting nowhere but occasional panic.

Damita S.
Hometown: Miami, Florida

"I am a 40-something empty nester. After experiencing a tough five-year period that I call the purification of D (me) and H (my husband), I learned the meaning of inner peace, surrender and faith. Who knew that your biggest learning period is in your 40s? I'm overjoyed and excited at the new secrets of life that reveal themselves every day now."

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday." I call it church on my couch. Always uplifting and enlightening, I keep my book of quotes next to me and share all the lessons on Facebook and through text messages to my children.

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are the ocean, laughing and my hammock.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be to make a person feel loved with the wave of my hand.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
When I wake up, I say thank you and meditate.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Before I go to bed, I tell my husband I love him.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My smartphone. No journal? I'd journal on my phone. No computer? I'd Skype my children from my phone. Can't drive to see my mom? I can call, email, text or Skype her from my phone. Stuck in traffic during an important meeting? Cisco WebEx Meetings on my phone. Missing my Dad? I can reminisce while looking at his pictures on my phone. Lost? Google Maps on my phone. Etc, etc, etc.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Pinching pimples...yes, I know...

What are you proudest of?
I'm proudest of never being afraid to tell my children that I was wrong, why I was wrong and what I'd do differently (even when they were as young as 5). They're better for it, have matured beyond their years and reference my mistakes as they avoid the same mistakes themselves. I raised beautiful human beings!

Who is your hero?
I have many people that I greatly admire, and one of them is Malala Yousafzai. What a courageous little girl!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is when people crack their gum!!!

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn to speak Spanish fluently and have a long conversation with my grandmother-in-law. She always has so much to tell me, and half of it is lost in translation. It's a shame because she is a fascinating curandera with so much knowledge of herbs and nature to pass down.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Singing. It's pretty awful, but croon I do at the top of my lungs.

Kanarian K.
Hometown: Opelika, Alabama

"I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in management from Grambling State University. A true jack of all trades, I'm currently making my mark in the publishing field."

What are your three favorite things?
My family, life and following my dreams of becoming a famous writer.

What would your superpower be?
The ability to read the minds of others. The art of discernment is worth its weight in gold, but the ability to read the thoughts of anyone in the world would be priceless.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Turn on the news.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Check my email and social media outlets one last time.

What is your favorite OWN show?
The Haves and the Have Nots. I didn't think I was going to like that show, but from day one I have been addicted.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
The Internet. I am always checking my email, faxing documents online, tweeting, posting to Instagram and so forth. If I'm not connected to what's going on in the world, I feel lost.

Who is your hero?
My mother. She has a heart of gold and is the most sincere person I have ever known. Even when things didn't always turn out right, or when people turned out to be less than honest, she would never get upset. Her philosophy on life has always been to "put people in the hands of the Lord" when they do wrong. That speaks volumes regarding her character because very few would react in such a manner. She's a firm believer in family and would do anything to help us (my siblings) if we were in need. She's my rock and I would be lost without her.

What are you proudest of?
My bachelor's degree in management. Although I am currently pursuing another path, no one can take this degree from me. I worked hard for it and cherish it tremendously.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Complete strangers getting too familiar with me, meaning that just because I'm from the South, that doesn't automatically mean I want to hear about your divorce, diet, life story, job, etc. I'm cordial in all instances and prefer to keep it that way, especially with people I really don't know like that.

What would you like to learn to do?
Speak Japanese. I find the language interesting, and with a degree in management, it could come in handy one day within the corporate sector.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Calling people. Unlike most women, I hate talking on the phone. I prefer to text/email and keep it moving. Life is short, and I don't want to spend mine having a phone conversation about absolutely nothing. :-)

Janet A.
Hometown: Guelph in Ontario, Canada

"I am a woman who is passionate about motherhood, my company and my life. I live by Lao Tzu's saying. I show my weakness to show my strength. I have an amazing campaign that is called National Bare Day here in Canada. I love what I do. I love meeting amazing women who radiate their lights by living their purpose."

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite OWN show is "Super Soul Sunday." Love, love, love it!

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are eating, playing and loving.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be compassion—let's get rid of judgmentalism.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do is meditate!

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before I go to bed is to cut cords to release energy from the previous day.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I can't live without gratitude. It is what has given me sustenance in the midst of every life experience.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I love being makeup-less. It is my favorite thing.

What are you proudest of?
I am proudest of my children and how much the teach me daily. They've inspired me to transform my life. I did. Now, we are living and thriving.

Who is your hero?
My kids ... they saved my life ... I don't know where I would be without them. They represent everything that is wonderful about my life.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who are aware that they are hurting others and have complete disregard for their feelings.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would love to learn how to swim all over again.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
My friends tease me about giving people a second chance to correct their wrongs, even when I know they may not be deserving of the opportunity.

Carlos F.
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

"I'm just the average guy who has tuned in to this network in an effort to help navigate my spiritual journey. I have a great job, but my dream is to be able to attend law school and pursue a career either in law or something relating to law. I have a bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis on broadcast arts. If law was mixed in with that, I could have something extraordinary going on. :)"

What are your three favorite things?
(1) Peace-and-quiet time, (2) being near the ocean, and (3) giving thanks and being told thank you.

What would your superpower be?
Invisibility, or shape-shifting may be fun too.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
On a weekday, I cuss out the alarm clock. On a weekend, I stretch and smile; then I reflect on the great things of the week.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
I have a picture on the wall by the bed that says, "Dream." I look at it before I go to sleep and before I leave the room for the day because it propels me to dream and do.

What is your favorite OWN show?
Hands down "Super Soul Sunday"! Oprah's Lifeclass would be next!

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
Internet access.

Who is your hero?
I think having a hero is dangerous because it almost disallows you to see the human side of that hero. I seek heroic things in the everyday person and then aspire to do the same.

What are you proudest of?
Graduating college with honors, because I did not think I was college material. I also didn't realize how high my GPA was until my last semester. I was so busy trying to work and finish school that I never gave too much focus on the GPA.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
This changes daily so here are a few: bad drivers, hearing someone eat a banana or scrape a yogurt cup or bowl, being talked over, being misunderstood (whether my intentions are good or bad).

What do you like that most people dislike?
Mean people. I like to pry and see whether I can find out how and why they got that way.

What would you like to learn to do?
Play the guitar, speak Spanish, swim and be patient. LOL

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Multitasking. This is only when it comes to talking on the phone. I will stop in the middle of a sentence to do something and then forget what I was talking about.

Tara S.
Hometown: Houston, Texas

"I am a single mom of one son who has graduated high school and has begun his college experience. I'm rediscovering me while he sets out on his journey. I'm learning some things about myself that I never knew before. I'm getting to know me again."

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite OWN show is Iyanla: Fix My Life.

What are your three favorite things?
(1) I love, love, love taking pictures. (2) Spending time with family. (3) Breaking news! I love to know what is going on in the world—I want to take a picture of it!

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be to fly. I like feeling the wind in my hair. Plus, airfare would be nonexistent, and I could travel everywhere!

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
When I wake up, I thank God for doing it in the first place. Then I listen to my Bible app read the audio version of the Bible out loud as I dress. Then I turn on the Tom Joyner Morning Show app to get a good laugh before I go to work. I know you asked for the first thing, but it all goes together!

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Before I go to bed, I watch the evening news and drift off. No unusual routine.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I use my Galaxy Note to the nth degree, so I would say that my phone is the one item I would have a challenge living without. I'm sure I'd adjust to not having a phone if I had to.

What do you like that most people dislike?
The movie Grease 2. My watching it every time I see it come on the television and singing along to the songs drives my family nuts!

What are you proudest of?
I'm proudest of the relationship that I have with my son. He's growing into an awesome young man. He also has a great relationship with his dad, which makes me believe that without his father's love and guidance, he would not be the young man that he is today.

Who is your hero?
I have two: My mom, Rena Minifee, and my sweetie, Will Green, are both my heroes. Their selflessness grounds me and helps me be a better person. They put others before themselves, and I try to be more like them every day. Great people...okay, you're going to make me cry!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is for someone to waste my time. Let me waste my time how I choose to!

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn how to write creatively. I know that I have a book inside of me. I just need to bring what is inside of me to the surface. I'd also like to take better pictures and learn to edit movies.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Singing. I cannot sing at all, but don't tell me that to my face! The truth would break my heart!!!

Rachael B.
Hometown: Buderim on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, Australia

"I am a single mum of three beautiful little boys, including 3-year-old twins. I've written eight best-selling books and am now working on my ninth. YAY! My office is at home on my property so I can work around my boys. It's very busy but also very rewarding to be a mom working from home. I LOVE helping other people! I've been a mentor now for about 10 years and love it! So when I'm not writing a book or at an event, I help women write their own books, start businesses, achieve a happier life balance and prosper from doing the things that they're passionate about. It's so fantastic to be able to help people get clear on what they want and to help them put a plan together that changes their life—it's truly heartwarming and makes my soul sing! I LOVE a good party, a bit of a boogie and some fun and laughs with my girlfriends, but I also like to keep fit too."

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday"—LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are being with my three sweet little boys, spending time with my family and friends, and my work: inspiring women to lift and be all that they can be through mentoring them.

What would your superpower be?
To give people who are struggling a picture, an insight into what their lives could be if they only believed in themselves.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do is visualize my intention of what my day, my week, my year will be and feel myself living it.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do is practice gratefulness and think about all the things I am appreciative of.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My phone. It has my whole business schedule in it, my most treasured pictures and funny movies of my children; it's my link to all the most important people in my life. I also download all my ideas into it and things to do. It's the only real tool I depend on to help me manage a busy and big life so I can concentrate and focus without the stress of trying to remember all I need to do.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Nothing that I know of unless you count Vegemite (if you're not from Australia), but everyone in Australia loves Vegemite!!!!

What are you proudest of?
In am proudest of my little boys. Their very being is my legacy and also my inspiration to be and do better every single day. I am so proud of them and love my three little beautifuls. I'm also super proud of my latest book, Savvy, and love my little quotes throughout it.

Who is your hero?
My children, who inspire me daily to be better and all that I can be, thereby making me a positive role model and guide in their lives and the lives of others.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Judgmental people who have opinions (and no compassion or empathy) for others when they have no insight into their lives. Everyone has a story, and everyone has the opportunity to be a positive influence in other people's lives.

What would you like to learn to do?
Direct a TV show. I would LOVE to experience that and see how creative I could be within the process. I think I'd be great at it!!

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Skipping. My exercise class thinks it's hysterical, but I bought a skipping rope, and I PROMISE you I will get better! :-)

Ashley B.
Hometown: Greensboro, North Carolina

"I'm a lover of all people. I have a very caring heart, which leads me to feed the homeless people in my community each week. I went back to school to study social work to enable myself to help others. I love to travel and have fun!"

What is your favorite OWN show?
I love the Oprah Winfrey Network and watch so many shows I can't choose.

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things would have to be my ministry (which feeds the homeless in my community), my iPhone (so I can be on the go with social media) and traveling! I love to travel!

What would your superpower be?
If I had a superpower, I would create a place with no hurt, hunger or pain. I would be able to fly all around the world, creating a domino effect of good to help others!

Who is your hero?
I actually have two heroes. My first hero is my mother because she is so strong. She lost my father to a massive heart attack. My mother was married to my dad for 42 beautiful years, so for her to be able to go on and live a productive life showed me just how much strength my mother has. She is a very loving and warm person, and I just love her so much!

My second hero is Ms. Oprah Winfrey!!! Oprah is the true definition of the woman I want to be. We both have some of the same background, and she has proven to me that dreams do come true! I love her just like a second mother. She has such a warm smile and a great personality. My dream is to someday just shake her hand and say thank you.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do in the morning is thank my Maker for yet another day and post an inspirational quote.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do every night is pray! That's a must in my life.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
The one thing I can't live without is social media!

What do you like that most people dislike?

What are you proudest of?
I'm proudest of my achievements over a short time. I'm also proud of my children!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My pet peeve is someone talking too much! Interrupting me while I'm speaking or starting to talk to someone while I'm talking to them is so rude!

What would you like to learn to do?
I would love to learn to ski! Hahaha!

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I am bad at getting rest. My friends call me an overachiever. I don't know how to take time for myself and just rest.

Monique G.
Hometown: The Bronx, New York

"I am a mother of two beautiful gifts from God! I am a wife, a sister and a lover of people and animals. I live my life in a way that I hope is pleasing to God. I love blessing people and encouraging others."

What are your three favorite things?
Sowing seeds of encouragement into the lives of people, singing and interior decorating.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be to instantly take the negative response that a person might speak out of their mouth, and turn it into a positive response. I believe that we should always speak life out of our very souls.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do in the morning upon rising is thank the Lord for allowing me another day to be with my family and to fulfill the purpose that he has for me.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before I go to bed is thank the Lord for shielding me from any hurt, harm or danger that day, and for allowing me to come home to my family.

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite OWN show is Oprah's Lifeclass. That show is so informative, touching and life-changing. Oprah's Lifeclass is amazing.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I cannot live without my paper towels. I am a neat freak and need them at my disposal at all times.

Who is your hero?
I would have to say that my mom is my hero. She would always put others before herself. She had the heart and the love of God, and she always treated people with love and respect. She taught me never to give up, and for that, she is my hero.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Cleaning. I have a serious problem with germs!!!! I must clean, clean, clean...sometimes that can be annoying to others.

What are you proudest of?
I am most proud of kicking cancer in the butt! I am a five-year survivor who made a conscious choice to live and not die, and remain positive through my cancer journey. Although the journey was rough and tough at times, I know that I had to fight for my kids and for others that I will help through their journey. God will not give us more than we are able to handle, and for that reason alone, I am proud of the fight that was inside of me.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is someone not covering their mouth when they cough, and blowing their nose at the table where people are eating—go to the bathroom!

What would you like to learn to do?
I would love to learn how to ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I am bad at learning how to navigate through all the features on my cell phone, and using a computer. I know the basics, but everything else? #FORGETABOUTIT in my Italian voice!

Carla F.
Hometown: Haynesville, Louisiana

"I have been a teacher for 30 years. Currently, I am teaching kindergarten. I'm the proud mom of two teenagers. My son, C.J., is 18. My daughter, Cydnee, is 16. I grew up as a daddyless daughter and am parenting a fatherless son and a daddyless daughter. However, blessings come despite the hardships. My son was in trouble but has made a total turnaround. He didn't even want to finish high school and now has finished his first year of college. I have a man who is the love of my life after being divorced three times, and my dad came back into my life and was at my son's graduation."

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday" is my favorite OWN show. It lifts me up. I will sometimes skip church to watch it.

What are your three favorite things?
Traveling, going to the movies and entering contests. I actually won tickets to the Oprah's Lifeclass at MegaFest—as a matter of fact, I won tickets to all the events at MegaFest. I was so excited to ALMOST meet Oprah.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be flying. I dream about it all the time.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Thank the Lord for one more day and drink a cup of coffee. I love my Keurig.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Thank the Lord for one more day and read something inspirational.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My iPhone. Sadly, I sleep with it. It keeps me connected to everyone and everything. I am in a long distance relationship, and FaceTime is a lifesaver.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Liver and onions.

What are you proudest of?
Being vulnerable enough to get the help I needed for my son. I had to let people know that I had been a victim of domestic abuse and had an out-of-control son. My son is now back on track, and my daughter doesn't have to be afraid of her brother. Our home is at peace.

Who is your hero?
My mom. She is battling breast cancer right now with strength and grace. She will be victorious.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who don't keep their word.

What would you like to learn to do?
How to become an art curator.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Dancing. I love to dance; I'm not so good at it. But it doesn't stop me. You should ask my brother Charles about me doing the snake.

Victoria J.
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio

"I am a wife, mother, grandmother, teacher and friend. I am a published poet, winner of several awards and a retired school teacher who left my job to live and breathe my passion of writing. I have been married for 33 years, we have two sons, ages 36 and 28, and eight grandchildren."

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite OWN show comes on Sundays, Super Soul Sundays, that is. I have learned so much about myself from watching each Sunday. I am ever changing, evolving into a new being and believing in myself, that I can do this. I am free to be me. I will write, until my fingers fall off.

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are (1)Writing; (2)Taking long car rides with my husband and dog; and (3) Spending time with my grandchildren.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be making sure all children have a loving home and plenty to eat.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do when I wake up is meditate/pray.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before bed is text my children to make sure they are alright and to tell them I love them.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
The one item I can't live without is my computer. I have to be able to reach it at all times, for I never know when something will come to me and I can't find a pen but will have my computer. It's like a piece of clothing for me.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Reading in a corner somewhere. I'm always in a book and get teased a lot about it. And, talking about writing day in, day out, that's what I live and breathe. I would rather read and write than eat.

What are you proudest of?
I am most proud of my first book, Journey Through Darkness, Poems on the Road of Life, which I self-published.

Who is your hero?
My hero is my husband Clyde. We married when I was 18. He is my biggest supporter and my best friend.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people downplay my dreams, and tell me I'm not good enough.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would love to learn how to play the piano.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?

Marina S.
Hometown: Columbus, Ohio

"I am a mother of three and am married to the love of my life! I'm grateful for my wonderful family. I am an author, and in one of my books, I ask women to make a fundamental mind shift in dating. I think most marriages end in divorce because people get married for the wrong reasons. If you marry for the right reason, you'll have a better chance of staying together."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Do I have to pick one? Okay. "Super Soul Sunday."

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are my family, my friends and the beach.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be called THE CHILLINATOR. I would have the power to automatically calm people down so that they can get to a better place.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do when I wake up is stretch—the longest stretch ever, with my arms and legs reaching for the opposite ends of the bed.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before I go to bed is say a little prayer. I start by being thankful for my family, my safety, my home and all the basic needs that I have met that I don't have to worry about. Then, I ask for protection for my children.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I truly hate to say this, but it's my iPhone. It's my calendar, my camera, my phone and entertainment for me and my children all in one device! Without a pop-up calendar, I'd never get anyone anywhere on time! Without Twitter, TV is only half as fun! :)

What do you like that most people dislike?
Brussels sprouts.

What are you proudest of?
In am proudest of my three children and writing a book.

Who is your hero?
My hero is anyone that stands up for something noble amid opposition.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

What would you like to learn to do?
I would love to learn a martial art.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I'm directionally challenged. And, I like to give directions. Tease away. :)

Omekongo D.
Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts

"I'm a father, husband, motivational speaker, TV talk show host, poet and rapper. I have spent my entire life working to give a voice to the voiceless because I didn't have a voice growing up. I was bullied growing up in Boston because of my African name, even though I was born here and do not have an accent. I found my voice in poetry and started sharing it everywhere. Now, as a youth motivational speaker, I am committed to doing everything in my power to ensure that no teen is placed in the position that I was. I've traveled to 19 countries with this message, and I won't stop now! Musically, I do poetry and hip-hop in English, French and Swahili. I have found pride in my culture and showcase it in my work."

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday" and Oprah's Master Class are my favorite OWN shows. I am a fan of seeing people who have inspired me, and even people I do not know, speak about their trials and tribulations. The only way we can be successful is to learn from the experiences of others, and so I really appreciate these shows.

What are your three favorite things?
(1) Saturday exercise day with the family! (2) Motivating people, especially youth. (3) Writing music with a message.

What would your superpower be?
I would like Storm's superpower from the X-Men movies (she was played by Halle Berry). She controls the weather. If I had that power, I could fly to places where vegetation is an issue and give them the ability to grow their own food and create a self-sustaining lifestyle for themselves and not be so dependent on the rest of the world. I have lived, worked or performed in 20 countries, and the things I have seen just break my heart. Simple changes in environment can make a world of difference.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I say thank you, I listen to something motivational, and then I exercise. They say whatever you do for the first 20 minutes of your day affects the spirit of your entire day, so I am intentional about what I do when I wake up.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
I usually watch something on TV that makes me laugh or feel good to put me in a happy mood. I don't like going to sleep upset or sad. I then check in on our daughters to make sure they're good and still asleep, and then it's lights out.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I cannot live without my family. I consider my family an item because I can touch them every day. I can hold and hug them. My family means everything to me, and I am doing my best to build that same sense of family with my wife and two children. I am nothing without them.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I like talking to people and getting to know their stories. That's why I became a talk show host. Nowadays, most people I know would rather send text messages for everything, including breaking up. How ridiculous is that? I believe in face-to-face communication. I believe in listening. I like the quotation I once heard that said we have two ears and one mouth and that we should use them in proportion!

What are you proudest of?
I'm proudest of the fact that I came from a community where it was predicted that I wouldn't live past the age of 15 and that I made something of myself.

Who is your hero?
My parents are my heroes. They are from the Congo (formerly Zaire). They survived Belgian colonialism, escaped war in the Congo (my mother was a refugee three times) and came to America where they earned nine academic degrees, including three PhDs (two from Harvard, where they also taught). They also did this while raising nine children in a new country where they did not speak the language. Shirley Chisholm said, "Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth." My parents taught us that lesson from a young age!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is being around people who try to hold me back or hold themselves back by not being big thinkers.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn how to build an institution that can really help make a positive impact in this world and be able to take care of my family at the same time.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
My friends and family tease me about always putting the work first. They say I have to make time for play and that I also have to build a strong business model. Sometimes, I admit, I do events for free or discounted prices because I just want to get my message out to motivate people. I have to be better at business, so I am hoping to find good mentors to help me with that! Thanks for reading my story OWN! Rock on!

Cheryl J.
Hometown: Dallas, Texas

"I'm a catalyst for change and a champion of comebacks. I am a vehicle through which the glow and favor of God flow. I am a lover of life and a proud mother. I believe all things are possible to them that believe!!"

What is your favorite OWN show?
Oprah's Lifeclass and Oprah's Master Class (it's just brilliant television). I like Deion's Family Playbook because I know him personally, and he has used his life to help me raise money for my charity. He's not acting; he is genuine about helping kids in our community.

What are your three favorite things?
(1) Spending time with family, (2) feeding the hungry and (3) speaking and being on television.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be reading people's minds. To know what people are really thinking when you are talking to them would be powerful.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The moment I wake up, before I put on my makeup...I say a little prayer for YOU.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
I give thanks, put my computer down and curl up on my hubby's chest to let the beat of his heart put me to sleep.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I can't live without my Bible. I find comfort, strength and hope in its pages.

Who is your hero?
My hero is a triangle of people that raised me up: my mother, Minnie Ewing, who is the wind beneath my wings; my husband, Artis Jackson, who is my strength; and my deceased father, Robert Hawthorne.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I like speaking in front of huge crowds. I also love cheering for the underdog. I love seeing someone thrive in a place they barely survived.

What are you proudest of?
(1) I am proud of my daughters; I adore them. (2) My charity, Minnie's Food Pantry, has distributed more than 3.2 million meals. (3) In one year, my Facebook fans donated over $43,000 on my page to my charity. (4) I was interviewed by Dr. Maya Angelou. (5) I met Oprah and interviewed her as my first interview. (6) I am proud that my friend Erica trusted me to come work with me and that six years later she is still here. (7) I am proud of this moment: to be a Featured OWNer.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My pet peeve is people not washing their hands after using the restroom. Really? Really? Then they try to shake my hand. I don't think so.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn how to produce my "OWN" television show.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I am bad at taking no for an answer. I keep going when I BELIEVE in something, and, usually, I get what I want.

Quornesha S.
Hometown: Houston, Texas

"I am a life coach and intuitive. My purpose is to serve the community and the world at large, to make a positive difference motivating and empowering all walks of life to become better individuals and leaders. I love being charismatic, professional and business-oriented. What drives me each day is making a difference in my work. If I'm not doing that, then something is wrong. I love people and healing the environments around me. I feel in the zone especially in the spring, summer and fall. I am always happy to help someone else out. This, I can definitely say, I am well known for."

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are helping others, meditating and walking.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be telekinesis.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is meditate.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before I go to bed is do a cleansing ritual for the soul, mind, body and spirit, releasing energies and thoughts that are not my own.

What is your favorite OWN show?
The Haves and the Have Nots.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My computer plus what I do for a living (my life-coaching business). If I wasn't making a difference, I think I'd lose it, honestly. It's my heart and soul.

Who is your hero?
I look in the mirror and see that I am my own hero. My whole life, I have needed to apply self-help to my life and any situation I am faced with. So I can't really look externally and say someone else has saved me. I took care of it.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I'm not sure. Besides, I rarely pay attention to that sort of thing!

What are you proudest of?
My life-coaching business! I just got started, and it's a bit of a challenge, but I always come through to achieve!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Reality TV and video games. I cannot help it. God gave me the soul of a creative person, and for that I am grateful!

What would you like to learn to do?
I want to learn every aspect of producing. I think it's quite exciting to be the genius behind the scenes, plus I have ideas I know the world would love...most anyways!

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Being too nice, overly kind. Plus my language can be quite "proper." LOL

Liz M.
Hometown: Portadown, Northern Ireland (now residing near Warrenton, Missouri)

"I have been awakened to a whole new world, having been on an emotional and spiritual journey since moving to the USA eight years ago. Growing up in a country surrounded by chaos never really set well with how I felt inside. Now that my life is turning around, I love summer days, relaxing in a pool and feeling the sun on my face, hearing the birds and the frogs sing their songs. I enjoy spending time with friends and discussing life, work and future dreams. I enjoy being able to have the luxury of 'me time' (no matter how short) and to read, contemplate life or enjoy nature."

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are:
(1) Glow bugs. I had never seen them before moving here, and the first time I did, I thought I was seeing things. The neighbors' yard looked like it was covered in a million twinkling lights. It was awesome.
(2) American thunderstorms. The lightning is unbelievable and is one of nature's ultimate extremes.
(3) Waking up to the sun shining. I thank God for that every morning on my drive to work. After growing up in a country where it rains most of the year, I appreciate the sun and its warmth more than most people.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be healing: people, animals, relationships, the planet...whoever and whatever needed it.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do in the morning is groan and hit the snooze button if it is a workday. LOL Then, I snuggle up closer to my boyfriend for those last few minutes before starting the day ahead.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do at night is...I am trying to learn to meditate, but I'm not having much success just yet, so I spend some time either listening to something relaxing or trying to clear my head and work on some positive thinking.

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite OWN show is Oprah's Master Class. Each one is unique in its own way because of the individuals that are being interviewed.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I cannot live without my razor! I hate being hairy. LOL

Who is your hero?
My hero is my uncle, who passed away on New Year's morning this year. He was a wonderful person, always smiling, always willing to help anyone who needed it, hardworking, caring, with a wonderful laugh. He was always getting his atlas out to see where I was living or traveling to since I moved to the States. He was a friend to all and like a second father to us. He was the only person to ever take me out on a motorcycle, and gave me wonderful memories to cherish the rest of my life.

What do you like that most people dislike?
The old Irish songs that I grew up with (from my parents' generation) that many people over here don't know and definitely don't want to listen to.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who believe the world and everyone in it owes them something.

What would you like to learn to do?
Everything. I so want to go back to school, but I am 47 and still do not know what I want to be when I grow up. LOL Taking classes on how to write books, short stories and articles is up there on my list.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Just call me Calamity Jane. The old nursery rhyme that says, "Tuesday's child is full of grace," got it all wrong with me. I am about as graceful as a baby elephant. If there's a hair on the floor, I could trip over it. LOL

Rekha K.
Hometown: Union City, New Jersey

"I'm a creative entrepreneur, designer, blogger and small-business consultant. I own a design studio that specializes in handcrafted textiles, home accessories and wedding décor. I recently launched a new venture: an online resource for business strategy advice, inspiration and tools to help small businesses and creative entrepreneurs turn their creative endeavors into a sustainable and thriving business."

What is your favorite OWN show?
It's a tie between "Super Soul Sunday" and Oprah: Where Are They Now?

When are you happiest?
I'm happy all the time, but I am happiest when I've accomplished a goal I've been working on and see the results of my hard work!

What do you dislike that most people like?
Iced coffee, iced latte or any of these coffee-type drinks!

What are your three favorite things?
My collection of spiritual/motivational books, chocolate and my craft/fabric supplies.

What are you obsessed with?
Color, style, design and technology.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
After enjoying a cup of tea, I take a few minutes to plan out my to-do list for the day, and, as much as possible, I try to work out first thing in the morning!

Who is your hero?
People who have pursued their dreams and have overcome obstacles to achieve success and the lives they want.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Passive-aggressive people who don't say what they truly mean.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My smartphone. With it, I am always connected with family, friends and business contacts, and I always know what is going on, even if I can't respond to the message immediately.

Alexis J.
Hometown: Spartanburg, South Carolina

"I am a student at the University of South Carolina Upstate. I am a theater major with a minor in mass communications. I can act, sing, dance, write, draw and various other things. I love being around people (conservative or liberal, all races, everyone, point-blank). I love to travel. One day, I hope to travel to Europe. Learning different cultures and acting are my passions. I want to show people that hard work gets you somewhere. Hard work keeps you humble and reminds you of what it takes to get where you want to be."

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are theater, music and nature.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be the ability to morph into various looks for every situation.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to get on my laptop and play my favorite music while browsing Facebook.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last things I do before I go to bed are to study and write for my various projects.

What is your favorite OWN show?
Oprah: Where Are They Now? and Dr. Phil.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I can't live without my laptop. I am always on it. I have to network with people. I work on my schoolwork, spruce up my résumés, write my stories and plays, do research for projects and learn about the things outside my home. I can live without my phone (somewhat).

Who is your hero?
I don't really have A hero, but I have MANY heroes: the people who raised me. My great-grandma, great-aunt and -uncle, great-grandpa and my mom and dad made me into the person I am today. I am happy to have them in my life because without them, I wouldn't be as successful as I am.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I like music that most people don't listen to. In South Carolina, people like rap, country and rock. I like underground music, like dubstep, and foreign music, like opera, folk, etc. I don't mind sharing my music with people. They don't have to like it. I am not afraid to show what I love.

What are you proudest of?
I am proud of being able to accomplish my goals: graduating high school with honors, attending college (sophomore this year), making friends with great people, having the talents that I have, conquering my fear of crowds when I perform (especially singing), and being myself—no matter how energetic or silly I can be. I just like being me and not someone else (unless it is for a play).

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is ignorance. People who don't accept the changes in the world. People who use ignorance to justify their hatred of another person. I believe in the equality of all mankind. I just hope my generation and the generations after me will try to make a difference in the world when our current leaders must step down. Hatred is taught; no one is born with it.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn how to ride a horse. I have only ridden once, but I had improper lessons. I want to learn how to ride a horse and how to stage combat for film and stage...and maybe even how to fence.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I can't keep quiet. In my youth, I used to be the quiet kid because I was bullied a lot, but once I got into theater and made friends, I couldn't stop talking. I get all excited when I talk, and I might start talking louder or energetically. My friends always say, "I want what you're taking, Alexis!" I just have that inner child, I guess. I love to talk.

Claudinne C.
Hometown: Dominican Republic (residing in Miami, Florida)

"I'm a happily married 38-year-old girl, born and raised in the Dominican Republic, who moved to the United States to receive my college education. I graduated with a degree in broadcast journalism; my intention was to be of service to my community. For 12 years, I worked in the news business. I've won four Emmys and 10 nominations from the academy. Unfortunately, I knew I wasn't going to evolve anymore so, stubbornly optimistic, always with a positive attitude and with Jesus by my side, I took a step of faith and walked away from it all. I'm reinventing myself; I use my creative writing and producing skills to uplift and inspire. I created a blog with letters of reflections, with the intention to shed a light in a world that can feel suffocating for so many and to let everyone know that they are not alone. I use all social media to inspire and hopefully bring a smile with my positive posts, messages and graphics. I remain grateful for right now and the adventures to come!"

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are books, dancing and nature.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be the ability to fly like a bird.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is say, "Thank you, Jesus."

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last things I do before I go to bed is say, "Thank you, Jesus."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Boy! This is a hard one because OWN is the only network that offers programming that is both thought-provoking and downright funny! I'll say "Super Soul Sunday," Oprah's Lifeclass, LOVE Iyanla: Fix My Life, Oprah's Master Class is like a dose of wisdom, and of course, Mr. Tyler Perry's Love Thy Neighbor!

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
Books. I'm an avid reader. I think I'd be lost without books. I promise you I would cry!

Who is your hero?
My hero is my maternal grandmother, Bertha. She was a teacher. Quite frankly, she saved my life. I know she's still with me. She remains God's gift to me, and I'm so humbly grateful.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I can tell you what I don't like that most people dislike: gossip. I have no interest in it, and I refuse to invest my energy in it. That doesn't sit well with a lot of people. I also don't socialize with toxic people.

What are you proudest of?
That I honored my principles and walked away from a work environment that wasn't the honorable and noble environment it proclaimed to be. I remain true to my soul. There's no currency for that.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is when people don't honor their word, and disorganization. I have a type A personality. Guilty!

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn how to tap-dance! And how to speak fluent Italian. I'm already working on that last one. Viva la Italia!

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Math. I apologize for the term, but I suck at it!

Anjali M.
Hometown: Englewood, New Jersey

"I am first and foremost a mother of a beautiful 7-year-old boy. I am a wife, a daughter and a social worker by profession. I work in the field of domestic violence and trauma. I have sought to help and heal those afflicted by trauma, as a therapist, an advocate, a teacher/trainer, a community educator and an administrator. Along my journey, I have healed and chosen a path where I want to heal through writing. I keep a journal, I write a blog on journal writing, and I want to provide self-care to those who do the direct work. My mantra is 'If we can't heal ourselves, how can we heal others?'"

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are writing, painting and walking in nature.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be to always be able to make childhood easy for children.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is 20 minutes of stretching followed by meditation.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before I go to bed is some deep breathing.

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite OWN show is Oprah's Master Class. Each one is unique in its own way because of the individuals that are being interviewed.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My journal—it is my best friend, my mentor, my guide and a reflection into my soul. My journal keeps me sane in the midst of a crazy workday. My journal is what helps me view things from a higher perspective rather than fall into the drama of other individuals. My journal is what has saved my relationships. My journal has helped me give a voice to words when I never would have thought to do so.

Who is your hero?
My hero is my mother! She is has shown me the meaning of strength, beauty, simplicity, sexiness, spirituality and altruism.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I love solitude.

What are you proudest of?
I am proud to have been able to make it so far. In addition, I'm proud that I have been able to play all my roles the best way I can.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is people operating in a power mode and not having a dialogue. Dialogue and discussion are so important in order to provide solutions, and most often people shy away from it because they want to be in control, in power to make the decisions.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn to become a certified journal therapist.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I am particularly bad at overspending!

Gina P.
Hometown: West Bloomfield, Michigan

"I'm a highly motivated single mom who greatly enjoys interacting with creative minds. I love travel, exploring and experiencing new frontiers. I enjoy all forms of music, arts and entertainment, and I consider myself a social connoisseur. I also enjoy working with disadvantaged people from all walks of life by assisting them with finding their hidden strengths and focusing on the positive versus the negative."

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are spending time with my beautiful family, watching great movies/documentaries and shopping for vintage must-haves!

What would your superpower be?
I already have a superpower: "Making a way...out of No Way."

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is have a good stretch...make a cup of tea and catch up on world events.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before I go to bed is practice gratitude, thanking God for another day!

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite Own TV show is Oprah's Lifeclass. I've learned so much about myself watching Oprah's Lifeclass on the Oprah Winfrey Network! I'm proud to be an OWNer!

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
One thing I cannot live without is my smartphone. My smartphone is my gateway to the world and often my mobile office.

Who is your hero?
My hero is my grandmother, who passed away last year at the age of 108. She was a loving, nonjudgmental person, who had been very instrumental in my life! Her inspiration lives on!

What do you like that most people dislike?
Many people don't want to deal with problems; however, I find it challenging and rewarding to assist with finding solutions at times.

What are you proudest of?
Easy: my daughter. Being a mom!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
People with insecurities who bully others for their own gain!

What would you like to learn to do?
Scuba diving.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Cooking may be the one thing that I am particularly not so good at. I would not say I'm's just not my specialty. Yes, I am teased by my sisters and best friends. When we have family functions, I'm always asked to just bring the beverages! :-)

Bernetta K.
Hometown: Evanston, Illinois

"I am a lover of LIFE! I believe that you should make your life the coolest experience possible! I am a wife and the mother of three fab kids! I work full-time at a college. However, my passion exists in what I do outside of my full-time position.

"I have a degree in marketing and am a certified art director, and my dream job is to work in media. I want to be the source that people know and trust (like a female Clark Howard). Although I am considered media with my site, I want to do it full-time."

What are your three favorite things?
My hubby and children, french fries and staying fit!

What would your superpower be?
I would love to have the power to become INVISIBLE.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is check on my youngest child (his crib is next to my bed).

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last things I do before I go to bed are check on my youngest child and thank God for making it back to my bed safe and sound.

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite Own TV shows are "Super Soul Sunday" and Oprah Prime. I love anything Oprah does when she is interviewing someone. In a conversational tone, she asks the questions I always want to know the answers to!

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I would say Google. I Google something at least a few times a day. I love learning or just knowing something rather quickly. If I don't know the answer or am not sure, to Google I go. In addition to Google, I would say the Internet, period. It connects us as a world more than ever before. Also, I read a lot, and there are a lot of helpful articles online when you can't get to a book.

Who is your hero?
My hero is my grandmother! She is still alive, but I am who I am because of her LOVE and all the actions that come with the word.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Being alone! I have no problem doing things (shopping) or going places (to movies, out to eat) by myself. I have three kids and a husband! I have co-workers! I have great girlfriends! I have a slew of social media friends! A girl needs and craves alone time, and that's okay. I look forward to it.

What are you proudest of?
I am proud that I am first to finish college among my parents and grandparents. I am proud that I married a wonderful man who shows me he loves me daily and is a great father to our children. I am proud of myself for actually being a good mom and being consistently able to do what it takes to provide and take care of my children. I am proud of myself because I have never stopped dreaming. Everything I want hasn't manifested itself, but I continue to work toward it. I am proud of that because it's easy to give up and become complacent. I haven't done that. I pray I never do.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
In the last few years, I have really started to dislike people chewing in front of me. I am not sure, but I can't stand to hear people chew food, slurp their soup or bite ice!

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn the production side of media. What does a producer actually do? Where do I go to learn this?

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Cursing. LOL. My friends tell me not to do it because I sound crazy! So I don't.

Byron D.
Hometown: Columbus, Georgia

"I am a young man in college, I enjoy reading , and I'm very outgoing."

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are watching OWN, traveling and shopping.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be to make others have a good day.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do when I wake up is listen to inspirational music and have a moment of silence before my day starts.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before I go to bed is shut down everything, listen to some soft music and reflect on my day.

What is your favorite OWN show?
Oprah's Next Chapter is one of my favorite OWN shows.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My iPad. My iPad is what I have O magazine and my Bible downloaded on. Everywhere I go, my iPad is with me.

What do you like to do that most people dislike?
I enjoy listening to alternative music, such as Christian music. Most people my age really don't care for that genre.

What are you proudest of?
I am proudest of overcoming foster care and becoming successful and independent.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is disorganization. I'm a well-organized person. I like being prepared at all times.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn how to start my own business one day, which would be to start a private home for less-fortunate children.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I'm particularly bad at tweeting. It sounds funny, but I don't tweet or Facebook like most people do. I just post things to uplift, nothing really regarding me.

Celeste M.
Hometown: Buffalo, New York

"Low-maintenance girl who enjoys simple things like close friends, staying healthy, a glass of wine while reading a good book, being true to myself and the people in my life, Sunday brunch."

What are your three favorite things?
Treating myself to a spa, deep conversations with close friends and practicing health/wellness.

What would your superpower be?
Getting people to accept each other as they are so we can all get along.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Thank God for all the abundance He provides to me.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday."

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My faith. Faith opens you up to endless possibilities.

Who is your hero?
All the children who fight illness and disease; they are the strongest people I know.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Being good to myself. I know so many who feel guilty if they do something good for themselves. Self-love is important.

What are you proudest of?
All the lessons I've learned throughout life and applying them daily.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who lie, manipulate and deceive.

What would you like to learn to do?
Speak another language, like French.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Dancing. I can't even coordinate my steps in a Zumba class.

Antionette B.
Hometown: Middletown, Delaware

"I am a 50-something frugal fashionista, a lifestyle blogger, a volunteer instructor at the Money School of Delaware, a wife of 23 years and a mother of two sons. I enjoy traveling, shopping and creating DIY projects. I enjoy meeting people both on- and offline who are positive with friendly attitudes, because life is too short for negativity, envy or ignorance!"

What are your three favorite things?
Old-school sitcoms (e.g., I Love Lucy, The Patty Duke Show), sweet red wine (chilled) and all things social media.

What would your superpower be?

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?

What is your favorite OWN show?
The Haves and the Have Nots.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
Hot sauce. "I put that s*** on everything." LOL

Who is your hero?
My eldest son. He is intellectually disabled, yet he is determined to be independent and is a hard worker who makes me proud of him every day!

What are you proudest of?
Both of my sons and caring for my grandmother until she transitioned at the age of 98.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Negative complainers drive me crazy!

What would you like to learn to do?

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I don't know how to just sit back and relax.

Gina K.
Hometown: Cary, Illinois

"I'm a wife to my high school sweetheart. I am a proud mom of two wise daughters, who make me want to be a better person. Since turning 50, I have tried to reinvent my career by being a teacher's aide, completing school for drug and alcohol counseling, and recently starting my own staging/redesign business."

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite show is Oprah's Lifeclass. I have spent the last several years trying to reinvent myself in a new career, and Oprah's Lifeclass has been extremely helpful.

What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is not living life to its fullest!

What do you like that most people dislike?
Getting up early, when all is quiet.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be to see into the future—I'm the consummate control freak.

What are you proudest of?
My daughters, hands down.

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things (besides my daughters) are cooking, gardening and decorating.

Who is your hero?
My grandmother is my hero because she created a legacy within our family.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I give thanks for the day and read my daily inspirational devotion.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
I give thanks for the day and read my daily inspirational devotion.

Wayne S.
Hometown: Cumberland, Maryland

"I'm a licensed cosmetologist by trade who lives in western Maryland. However, my other passions include being a dancer, fashion designer and screenwriter. I'm working toward starting a nonprofit for cancer patients."

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite show is Oprah's Master Class. I enjoy watching to gain other people's insight on how to rise above adversity!

What is your biggest fear?
I think that it's fear of failing myself, not so much the fear of how people evaluate success.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Japanese animation.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be a choice between elemental power to resolve blighted areas of the world or the power of influence to change the minds of people to bring about God's greater good.

What are you proudest of?
I am proud to have finished two of my writing projects.

What are your three favorite things?
Three of my favorite things are music, writing and fashion design.

Who is your hero?
My grandmother is my hero because she created a legacy within our family.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Coffee and prayer.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Hot tea, meditation and prayer.

Chantey F.
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

"I'm a woman on a mission to live in nothing but love! I want nothing more than to stay connected to my source, who is love! Free spirit...happy and kind soul!"

What is your favorite OWN show?
Where do I begin?! My favorite is "Super Soul Sunday." I adore every minute of the show. I love The Haves and the Have Nots! I'm ADDICTED to every Oprah's Lifeclass, Oprah's Master Class and Iyanla: Fix My Life!! Okay, those are my favorites!

What is your biggest fear?
I have released all fears (THANKFULLY)!

What do you like that most people dislike?
I don't know how many people dislike this...but I love riding the city bus! If I have a seat, sometimes I just don't want to get off! LOL

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be mind healing, helping myself and others to change their mind-sets anytime we're dwelling on the negative.

What are you proudest of?
I am proudest of my wisdom and growth at my age! I'm very proud and thankful!

What are your three favorite things?
My three favorite things are reading, listening to good music and enjoying anything that uplifts my spirit.

Who is your hero?
My hero...uhhhhh, I don't know if I really have one. However, if I had to choose, it would be Jesus. He is the Son of God, who is the ultimate sacrifice for my sins. I'm thankful and grateful.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
The first thing I do when I awake is give thanks and read a few inspirational words via apps on my iPhone!

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do is read inspirational things before bed and give thanks for getting through the day! Sometimes I will also write a few things in my gratitude journal.

Erica W.
Hometown: New York, New York

"I am the greatness that exists, the love that heals and the student that yearns to know, understand and fully express this gift of life. I am called to serve and make this world a little bit better than it was when I entered it."

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday."

What is one thing you can't live without, and why?
My connection to life (God). Each moment is honored when I live in oneness. It is here that I begin to see that we are all the same. It is here that I make a choice to do better, which is who I really am anyway. It is here that I am free and authentic. It is here that life surrounds me with all that I need, if I but pay attention.

What is your hidden talent?
It may be hidden from the world at large for now, but not for long. I am born to teach others how to see their own greatness and connect to the life that exists now and forever more, and to fully live in that place of oneness.

What are your three favorite things?
(1) Growth and giving (in the areas of wisdom, understanding, discernment, teaching, love, forgiveness, joy, peace and inspiration)
(2) Curling up in my bed under my covers and watching "Super Soul Sunday" (on any given Sunday, I take notes on what inspired me)
(3) Meditation and prayer

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I don't have any friends that tease me—at least not to my face. LOL! However, my children do poke fun at the way I make up names if I can't remember someone's name. Here's something I would say to my children:
Me: "You know Nicholas Davis?"
My sons: "Mom, do you mean Nicholas David on The Voice?"
Me: "Yeah, you know what I meant."
(I don't even know whether I got his name right. Did I? I'm tempted to Google it.)

What would your superpower be?
Telekinesis—to have the power to move anything I desired.

Kakie F.
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota

"My name, Kakie, is pronounced like the color khaki. I am a confident, introspective problem solver who knows how to effectively use my intuition to make good decisions. I have a talent for knowing how to bring out the best in others and empower them to live their best lives. I am a single mom of a beautiful 13-year-old, who has taught me so much about myself and life. I'm a work in progress, I'm imperfect, and I am enough."

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday."

What are your three favorite things?
Gratitude, family and learning.

What would your superpower be?
Teleportation—what an interesting way to see the world!

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Check Twitter to check in on my #OWNers family, take the dog out, check in on my son, go to my room, climb into bed and close my eyes.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I can't live without the combination of my creativity and my laptop because, together, they have helped me learn more about myself through journaling and writing. Writing has helped me to understand the benefits of my creativity because it has helped me tell my story in different ways. Sometimes I feel like it is a form of meditation that has helped me to discover, heal, teach and connect with others.

What is your biggest fear?
Despite knowing that I am imperfect and that I am enough, my biggest fear is not being enough. (How is that for a little vulnerability, Ms. Brené?)

What do you like that most people dislike?
Speaking to an audience.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
When my socks get wet—drives me crazy.

What would you like to learn to do?
Find a job that aligns with my passions/goals, is financially viable and gives me the ability to provide my son with exceptional education. I want to take my passion for learning and use it to create connections by sharing knowledge. I have been told I have a great radio voice. I would LOVE to do voice-overs.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Since I was a little girl, I've had issues with stubbing my toe. My sisters won't let me forget it because they think my response to it is entertaining (for them). I, in turn, make it up by reminding them that I am the funny one.

Nana P.
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan

"I am a BIG personality—a charismatic and energetic hometown girl from Detroit. I am an Aquarius and will tell everyone I'm still 21 forever. I love people and community stuff. I am a black sliding vegetarian hoping to convert if the food isn't too bad. I'm single and want to marry before I'm Lenny Kravitz or Tim Tebow. Truthfully, I just want to find a good job and marry the nerdy guy in IT."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Iyanla: Fix My Life.

What is one thing you can't live without, and why?
Makeup! OMG! My three essentials are foundation, lipstick and mascara...and, if I could afford it, three good wigs.

What is your biggest fear?
I faced it! I did the Big Chop and cut my hair. I walked the streets with a semibald head and no makeup. Well, girls thought I was a dude! Big Chop gone wrong. I need wigs and makeup. Fear OVER. Hello!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Bad breath and people spitting on you while they talk. Seriously, can you smell that? No.

What is your hidden talent?
I think I can sing like Tina Turner. OMG, I'm rolling on the river in my mind.

What are your three favorite things?
Laughing, chatting online and dancing.

What would your superpower be?
The ability to bring joy to any situation.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Hmmmm...I'm online working until I get tired.

Rachel A.
Hometown: Turlock, California

"I am a grateful wife of an amazing husband, a mother of four beautiful daughters, and a grandmother of four precious grandchildren. I am a registered nurse in labor and delivery, and consider myself very blessed to have such an awesome career."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Oprah's Lifeclass.

What is one thing you can't live without, and why?
My whale tail necklace! All the women in my family wear one. It is to symbolize family, the bond we share, and togetherness. Whale families stay together FOREVER!

What do you like that most people dislike?
A good STIFF drink! None of that sweet stuff.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people mispronounce words and then get irritated when you correct them!!

What are your three favorite things?
Music, chocolate and laughter with family and friends!

What would your superpower be?
To make all hurting people feel loved, validated and understood!

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Reach beside me to touch my husband, and if he's already gotten out of bed...I text him a <3 (heart).

Antoinette P.
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

"I'm a woman on a mission to fulfill God's dream for my life and to share the light that lives in me. I was an extra on both The Haves and the Have Nots and Love Thy Neighbor."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Oprah's Next Chapter.

What are your three favorite things?
Playing dress-up, international travel and movies/television.

What would your superpower be?
If I could have any superpower, it would be teleportation, since I love to travel but am cursed with crippling motion sickness.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before bed is to ask God to bless me with the desires of my heart, to allow me to fulfill my purpose, and to grant that I get paid to do what I love.

What is one thing you can't live without, and why?
I can't live without my Oprah's Lifeclass journal. I wrote down my life's dreams in it in detail.

What are you proudest of?
I'm proudest of winning the war against obesity, though it is a daily battle.

What would you like to learn to do?
I'd love to learn many languages so I could speak like a native when traveling.

Tachina M.
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

"I am a very driven, loving person! I have been so hurt and broken in my life that I like to use the pain I have experienced to help other people know that they will survive and everything will be okay! I love writing and helping people so much so that I created an inspirational blog. I so enjoy doing this!"

What is your favorite OWN show?
Oprah's Lifeclass.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Greens with ketchup and cornbread.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Being late all the time...LOL, and I really try to be on time, but...I'm really not sure what happened...LOL!

What would your superpower be?
Wow, if I could have a superpower, it would be the power to heal hurting people. I can only imagine how much happier people would be and how much further they could go in life if only more people could be free from their hurts and pains. I know what it feels like to suffer from hurt, to see people I love still suffering from hurt—if they could be free, it would change their lives forever!

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
These days, praying is the first thing I want to do when I wake up!

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
I fall asleep reading or writing something that inspires me or encourages me to always keep going!

Tracey D.
Hometown: Washington, D.C.

"I'm a vocalist, an author and a dance instructor. I work for the U.S. Army, volunteer, love to travel, hang with friends and family, and am an avid movie buff. I just enjoy staying busy; it keeps me out of trouble! And I love, love, love to laugh!"

What is your favorite OWN show?
Iyanla: Fix My Life.

What is the one thing you can't live without, and why?
Probably my laptop because all my short stories, scripts, novels and songs I've written are on there. I do have backups, but my laptop keeps me connected.

What is your hidden talent?
None—I expose all my talents. But if I had to say one, I would say cooking. Because I'm single, some people automatically assume I don't know how to cook, but I'm a pretty good cook!! (When I feel like it!) :o)

What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people in the office reheat their fish dinners from the night before. Ugh!

What would you like to learn to do?
Produce and direct films. I've always said that if I had one do-over in life, it would be to go to film school. I love my alma mater (VCU) and the friends that I made/have from there, but it would've been cool to attend film school. I'm still considering it now, though.

What are your three favorite things?
Food, music and family.

What would your superpower be?
I would love to be invisible. I could go anywhere, free of charge! :o)

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Take a deep breath, thank God for letting me see another day, and sing.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Write another chapter in my novel.

Lillian W.
Hometown: Montgomery, Louisiana

"I am a single mother of two and an entrepreneur. My oldest child passed away in 2006 from the effects of bone cancer. I raised my son alone, and when I see Miss Robbie, the show [Welcome to Sweetie Pie's] continues to give me hope that I too will succeed. I have been baking since I was a teenager, and I'm introducing my dry ingredients to make the perfect sweet potato pie. I have the product in the local fresh market."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Welcome to Sweetie Pie's.

What is the one thing you can't live without, and why?
I can't live without the Lord and Savior Messiah, Jesus. I read his word, and it keeps me grounded with love, hope, charity and peace. If it were not for his word after my daughter and best friend passed away, I would have lost my mind. His word kept me sane, realizing that I still had work to do here on this earth and that her work was complete.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
Play Candy Crush or Pet Rescue and read the Bible.

What are your three favorite things?
God, family and making money.

What are you proudest of?
I was a very proud mama when my oldest child, the first on my father's side of the family, received her college degree.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I don't know. I like helping people who have fallen or messed up in life and need a second chance, who need someone to trust in them and install a positive attitude.

Carmen S.
Hometown: Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania

"I am a 41-year-old mom with two children. I am from Romania, and I live in Greece. My life was not easy at all, but I have found that the biggest challenges you face are the greatest lessons you learn. Who does not fall, cannot rise. Therefore, I am grateful for everything I have lived through so far."

What is your favorite OWN show?
I have seen many TV shows, and I am sure that "Super Soul Sunday" is the one that has won my heart forever.

What is the one thing you can't live without, and why?
It would be very difficult to live without toothpaste and a toothbrush.

What is your biggest fear?
As a child, I was very afraid of the dark, but I totally overcame the fear. Now, I have a new one: I am afraid that if something bad happens to me, I would not be able to take care of my kids. And, of course, everybody is afraid of natural disasters: earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis.

What is your hidden talent?
My hidden talent is seeing the talent of others. I can easily appreciate a good painting, a very good book, a very good song, a good movie, good food or a very good idea. I get inspired very often.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I enjoy the silence...I like to be alone after a long, busy day and enjoy the peace with only my kids around. Also, if I had to choose between going to a party and staying at home, I would choose to enjoy the intimacy of my house.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn to speak Spanish and Portuguese and to improve my English. I would like to learn to cook Chinese food and to make cakes à la Cake Boss. I would really like to learn to make objects and figurines from glass.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed?
The last thing I do before I go to bed is to check my email one last time and navigate the OWN TV site for the latest news. If I am not very sleepy, I stay up to see one of my favorite episodes of "Super Soul Sunday."

Tracy I.
Hometown: New York, New York

"I am a social media consultant, life/career coach and lifestyle blogger based in New York City."

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My smartphone. It is my mobile office, it keeps me connected on the go, I can listen to my music during my commute, and the camera makes sure I'll never miss a moment and will be able to capture something that has inspired me!

What was your first job?
I was a receptionist for a fabric and design company that sold to hotels and resorts worldwide. (Quite a responsibility in my early teens!)

What would your superpower be?
I was born with the ability to see people's auras. I'm not sure if it's a superpower, but it's pretty super to me! :)

When are you happiest?
When I'm wiggling my toes in the sand on a warm, white, sandy beach. I am always happiest near the ocean. (Despite being an East Coast city girl! I say I'm a West Coast girl trapped in an East Coaster's body!)

What is your hidden talent?
DJing, hence my nickname as #TheOfficialTwitterPartyDJ on Twitter!

What do you like that most people dislike?
I like dunking bits of Cheddar cheese in my hot chocolate, letting the cheese get gooey and chocolaty, and then taking it out and eating it!

What do you dislike that most people like?
Despite the fact I love MUSIC, musicals are always a tough sell for me. I just don't get it when people break out into song for no apparent reason, especially during the serious or somber moments.

What are your three favorite things?
My faith (because it keeps me grounded, centered and able to weather any storm), my family (because they have always given me the wings to fly) and my friends (who remind me that I don't walk alone).

Othella P.
Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

"I am a 40-years-young mother of three young adults, a business owner and a licensed massage therapist serving Hampton Roads in Virginia."

What is your favorite OWN show?
I love "Super Soul Sunday"!

What is the one thing you can't live without, and why?
I cannot live without my journal. My journal holds love letters to God, my family and every client's life I touch.

What is your hidden talent?
I am a writer, poet, singer, explorer and so much more.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I love the rain! The harder the rain, the more enjoyable.

What are you proudest of?
I am proud of so many things; I would have to say passing my test to become a licensed massage therapist was a very proud moment for me. I was a late bloomer. I am so proud that I have allowed my parents to see me working in a field I love.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is drivers not merging on the highway in the merge lane.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would love to teach yoga and gluten-free living. I am not currently taking yoga classes, but I find videos on YouTube to practice basic yoga.

What are your three favorite things?
First tastes and first times (that is, new experiences), art and serving others.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Thank God for another breath, another day and new opportunities.

Maggi H.
Hometown: Sacramento, California

"I am a humble woman who has been an avid follower of the Oprah brands since their inceptions. Her brands have not only empowered me but also have helped to develop me into a better woman. Now, that is empowering!"

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday" and Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse.

What are your three favorite things?
(1) Starbucks triple grande latte. (2) Writing. (3) Cooking and all things culinary!

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I say a prayer thanking God for all my blessings and expressing my gratitude for the day.

What is one thing you can't live without, and why?
My Mac! It connects me to the world, keeps me in the know and helps me to maintain my Twitter site in order to help inspire others. I probably spend too much time on the computer.

What is your biggest fear?
Having poor health and not getting to do everything on my bucket list! I have so much that I still want to see and do. I recently decided to commit to getting my body healthy and in shape so that I can live a longer life. I am now gluten free, limit my sugars and have lost 14 pounds!

What do you like that most people dislike?
I want to continue to work as long as I can. Working continues to challenge me and keeps me young and wanting more out of life. No AARP membership for me!

What are you proudest of?
I am most proud of my kids, whom I adopted as toddlers from an abusive and harsh background. They taught me resilience and continue to inspire me every day. Today, they are successful both personally and professionally. What more can a mom ask for?

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I would not say that I am bad at being silly, but my family and friends tease me about how fun and silly I can be. Laughter is really the best medicine!

Shelby G.
Hometown: Dallas, Texas. However, my family and husband are from Jackson, Mississippi, so I consider that my hometown.

"After meeting Oprah, I stepped out on faith and began conducting empowerment seminars for women, which led to me writing my first book. To date, I am an award-winning author of four books, a motivational speaker and a life coach."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Oprah's Lifeclass.

What is your hidden talent?
I'm actually a really good cook. My family loves to give me a menu, and I just pull it together. I can pretty much cook anything, from soul food (I did a Sweetie Pie's menu last Sunday!) to Italian, Indian, Greek—you name it. The best part about it is that I do it all on a budget!

What do you like that most people dislike?
If it's regarding food, peanut-butter-and-banana sandwiches. I don't know why I like them. My grandmother used to give them to me when I was little, so I still eat them. My family and friends are grossed out by it. Aside from food, soap operas. I don't have one friend that likes to watch the soaps! Y&R and General Hospital are my faves.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is when people make excuses and blame others for their mistakes. I just can't handle that. Own it, learn from it and move on! I have so much respect for people who admit to their failures up front without being coaxed. I'm a straight shooter, which comes from my military upbringing. My Army father would never accept excuses, only solutions.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn to speak another language. I know a little Spanish but would love to speak it fluently. When our family was stationed in Stuttgart, Germany, when I was little, I came back speaking fluent German. I wish I had kept up with it. I think it's wonderful to be bilingual, and Spanish has definitely become the second language in America.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Hanging out with the girls and turning off the life coach in me. It's hard for me not to be the Olivia Pope (the fixer) of the group! If anyone is expressing frustration about something going on in her life, I am trying to fix it. I'm getting better with this now, but it's still tough! :-)

What are your three favorite things?
(1) My Keurig coffee machine. I've got to have coffee in the morning to keep my pleasing personality! (2) My yoga pants (yes, I said that!). Since I left the corporate world to run my own coaching business, I have discovered this wonderful clothing item. No, I don't do yoga per se; I just love the way they look and feel on me! (3) Sprinkles cupcakes. I absolutely love these cupcakes. They make me very, very happy.

What would your superpower be?
If I had a superpower, it would be the ability to teleport from place to place. I hate driving in traffic. Dallas traffic is really bad during rush hour, and when it're getting to your destination next week.

Gina Q.
Hometown: Frisco, Texas

"I am a 46-year-old stay-at-home, divorced and remarried woman. I am currently recovering from a nearly fatal auto accident I had in January 2012. After my accident, I was very thankful to have been given another chance at life. I did what I could do (as I was in a halo and had a broken leg), and that was my writing. Writing provides me with a healthy escape, including a creative outlet for expressing myself. You cannot put a price on spreading kindness and encouragement. The rewards from doing that are what fuel my passion for writing."

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday."

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My Kindle. I have everything, from all my great books to my Bible to word puzzles, games and more. I can email from it. I carry it with me everywhere so if I see something I like, I can write it down; I love being able to take notes on it. It does everything. It is like my minicomputer.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Okay, this will sound weird to some, but others may get it—sucking the heads off crawfish! I am a Nawlins girl when it comes to cuisine.

What are you proudest of?
I would say I'm proudest of my endurance, strength and determination to overcome my injuries after my accident. I was determined to do everything and more to get back to being a mom and a wife. I did it for myself as well. I knew I could not just surrender to not walking or not driving or being immobile forever. I worked out as much as I physically could, and got myself stronger and stronger. I would not allow myself to just wither away! I was not finished living yet and yearned to get out of that hospital and go home. When I was on a ventilator, they told me I would have to learn to speak again with a little voice box of some sort. About two weeks before they were ready, when no one was in the room, I removed my trach tube and began screaming, "I can talk!" I was screaming as loudly as possible and crying tears of gratitude at the same time. So after that incident, knew I would be okay.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
I cannot stand crooked pictures hung on a wall. I am not in the least bit OCD, but this drives me nuts. I have been known to fix them in doctors' offices when no one is looking. Just looking at them that way makes me crazy!

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn how to give people makeovers. I love watching people feel excited about their new look. This would include cutting and doing hair as well.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I do not always answer my phone. I feel like if it is important, they can leave a message or text. This is not to be rude; it means I am busy writing or editing my book. But they all know that, and, yes, they do tease me about it. I had one person tell me I was harder to reach than GOD!!

Stephanie F.
Hometown: Rochelle, Georgia

"I am an aspiring fitness model and an avid runner from the state of Georgia. My passion for running wasn't given to me so easily. My life was changed in an instant as a child from an automobile accident. I lived two months of my life in a coma. I pulled through this and awoke to find I would probably never walk again. Now that I'm 35 years old, I can say running has brought great joy to my life. It has helped me overcome my disability and given me an outlet to be involved in charitable events."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Oprah's Next Chapter.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
When I wake in the morning, I always say thank you. Then, I head out for a morning run to meditate and start my day off with a clean mind and healthy body. To finish my day off, I enjoy spending time with my son and reading. I continue to stay thankful as I fall asleep. I believe that if I continue living thankfully for the things I am doing with my life, it will ultimately lead me to the destination I've been dreaming of—traveling all over this world, running and sharing my strength.

What is one thing you can't live without, and why?
My 26.2 necklace. I purchased this necklace before I tried to qualify for the Boston Marathon a few years ago, and I haven't taken it off my neck since I purchased it. The number 26.2 means the world to me because I have run this distance [in miles], and it was believed that I would never walk another day in my life when I was a child. Knowing I have completed this distance—and wearing it as my own—is significant to me.

What is your biggest fear?
After everything I have been through in life, I honestly feel almost bulletproof. But my greatest fear has to be leaving this world without sharing my strength with others who do not know what they are capable of. I want my son to see and feel my strength to learn the true value of life.

What are you most proud of?
I would say crossing the finish line of my very first marathon has to be my proudest moment. I looked to my right and saw my child and husband, but I glanced behind me and saw 26.2 brutal miles I was told I would never run, and I knew I could do anything at that point in my life! IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING!!!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Complainers. When they begin the complaining or gossiping, I politely walk away because I have no room for that poison in my life! It is my belief that we have so much to be thankful for, and I know this firsthand. I have no need to poison my soul with gossip or lies. My advice is to always take it somewhere else.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would like to learn to play tennis. My all-time favorite female athlete is Serena Williams. I work in the fitness industry, and when I hear women complain about their bodies not being stick-thin, I always let them know right away that being stick-thin is not beauty. Then, I always follow up by asking whether they wouldn't rather look like Serena—an awesome athlete who inspires me to want to learn tennis.

Marni R.
Hometown: Lafayette, California

"I am a mother of four, raising children in this fast-paced world, and I'm a motivational believer who is constantly in search of finding ways to share and inspire such time-honored values as mindfulness, compassion, kindness, empathy and respect—characteristics that will lead to engaged citizenship."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Without a doubt, "Super Soul Sunday." My kids know not to come into my bedroom when it's one hour all to myself; I love it.

What is one thing you can't live without, and why?
Coffee!!! It's the way I start out my day. Without it, I'm NO good to anyone.

What is your hidden talent?
Caramel corn! I make the best around...sshhhh, I'm not taking orders!

What do you like that most people dislike?
Working under pressure! Meeting deadlines. Making dinner with my family after a long day of work.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people gawk at me and ask, "How do you work, volunteer in class and manage to get a home-cooked dinner on the table without any nannies, chefs, house cleaners, etc.?" The key is to be happy and grateful, include your children, give them more responsibility, make it fun and use Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day cleaning supplies. Whistle while you work and burn lots of candles. Make even the most mundane activity fun.

What are your three favorite things?
(1) Coffee. (2) I am really obsessed with self-help books, which everyone around me knows. For example, my husband tells my sisters (after having a conversation with them about an issue), "Oh, don't mention it to Marni; you will have a book delivered on it tomorrow!" (3) "Super Soul Sunday."

What would your superpower be?
To bounce super high up after a life fall.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Make coffee.

Jennifer L.
Hometown: Long Island, New York

"I am fairly introspective and an avid observer of human nature. Deeply spiritual and nonreligious, I am moved by heartwarming, kind gestures. I love to laugh but am most touched by acts—usually unintentional in nature—that make me smile. I can sit and listen to stories of personal triumph over trials all day (e.g., Nelson Mandela and Viktor Frankl). I am happiest when my family is together."

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday."

What is the one thing you can't live without, and why?
My music app. Music often provides the backdrop to whatever I'm doing. I can chart my life according to certain songs. In fact, I have a playlist of 20 songs that mirror my life's journey from a little girl to the present time.

What is your hidden talent?
I have the ability to discern when someone is in trouble and needs a kind word.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Reading the full credits at the beginnings and ends of movies. I am always fascinated by how many people it takes working together to put on a production of any sort. These people who usually work behind the scenes may be unknown to the public, but their contribution is invaluable.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Incivility. I get really peeved when people neglect to say please and thank you, or when they generally display rude behavior, especially to people of a seemingly lesser station in life.

What would you like to learn to do?
Belly dancing. I like almost all forms of dance but am particularly intrigued by belly dancing.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?

What are your three favorite things?
(1) Standing in front of a group with a microphone in my hand, delivering a speech. (2) A good full-body massage. (3) Stilettos.

What would your superpower be?
To speak any language fluently with natives of every culture.

Filiz Y.
Hometown: Izmir, Turkey

"Well...what can I say? I'm a simple person with a simple life. I'm happily married. I am crazy about teaching and my students, who are like my kids. I enjoy savoring a cup of coffee or tea in the mornings, and I love to observe the world around and the world within me. There's nothing more beautiful than a smile on a person's I'll do everything to help people get that smile."

What is your favorite OWN show?
I really enjoy "Super Soul Sunday." It's like a breath of fresh air swooping into my soul on an autumn breeze. Each time I watch it, I feel energized and feel stronger facing the world.

What is your biggest fear?
I used to be afraid of the dark, and I feared confrontation. I've already pretty much overcome my fear of the dark, and I am on my path to healing on the confrontation front. :D

What are you proudest of?
I am proud of all the students I helped during my career. In a way, I have been the secret innovator, the engine behind the scenes, to help give them a better life. Some of those children had no hope, received no love, were abused or weren't allowed to go to high school and so on. I am proud of my students when I see them all grown up and having a better life.

What is something you would like to learn?
I'd love to learn how to play the guitar, go paragliding and go scuba diving. As for languages, I'd love to learn Italian and Japanese.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I learned German when I was in high school. It's been a long time, of course (you do the math). So the conversation with my German friend will turn into half German and half the other language. They end up teasing me a lot. :D

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I am definitely not a morning person. All my life, I have struggled to start the day at an early time. But when I do wake up rested, I stretch, smile and pray to God for a good day. I enjoy watching the sea in the mornings for a brief moment from my window, even when I am busy. Also, my cat is always eagerly waiting for me to wake up and give her a belly rub and kiss. She curls up like a baby in my arms, anticipating the love and affection and, of course, food afterward.

What are your three favorite things?
(1) Teaching. As a teacher, I am always in awe to see miracles happen with my kids. (2) I just love getting out of the city to stay in my family's vacation house near the Aegean Sea. (3) I am addicted to!

Kimberly H.
Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee

"I am a compassionate, loving, caring, giving, optimistic, energetic, encouraging and spiritual being."

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite OWN show is Oprah's Lifeclass.

What is the one item you can't live without?
I can't live without my lip gloss.

What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is being stranded with 20 percent left on my cell phone battery.

What would your superpower be?
My superpower would be the ability to zap people that have negative energy.

When are you happiest?
I am happiest around the holidays. I am happiest when my bills are paid on time.

What is your hidden talent?
My hidden talent is that I make the BEST POTATO SOUP.

What do you like that most people dislike?

What are you proudest of?
I am proudest of my ability to stay focused and faithful during my storms. No matter what I am going through, I have the strength to smile and encourage others.

What are your three favorite things?
Traveling, shopping and being by the water.

Nancy P.
Hometown: New York, New York

"I'm a 26-year-old world visionary, a crusader for the movement. I've dedicated almost 12 years of my life educating human beings, from small children to the elderly and everyone in between."

What is the one thing you can't live without, and why?
I cannot live without paper. If I have nothing else but paper, I will find a way to write. I have so many ideas that I cannot simply rely on my memory; I need to write them down. I have stacks of notebooks with different ideas, quotes, stories, and did I mention ideas?

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is when the gentlemen don't put the toilet seat down.

What is one thing you would like to learn to do?
I would like to learn how to fly an airplane because one day I will own a Challenger 300.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Playing sports. Any sports, even the Wii.

What are your three favorite things?
(1) Books. (2) Journals. (3) Miniature things.

What are you obsessed with?
John Maxwell books, Max Lucado books and poetry books.

Shirley W.
Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia

"I'm a happily married, self-employed 46-year-old mother of two tweens, and...wait for it...I'm a perimenopausal chick! I don't fully understand what that means or looks like yet, but I'm on a mission to find out! I'm in the process of evolving my life's work from being a marketing consultant to building a trusted online resource where women can crack open the conversation about all things perimenopause."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Without a doubt, Oprah's Lifeclass! It reminds me of The Oprah Winfrey Show in the '90s, where each and every day, regardless of the topic or guest, there was what I like to call a GOLDEN NUGGET for me to take and apply to my life.

What is the one thing you can't live without, and why?
My phone. I know what you're thinking: LOTS and lots of people these days can't live without their technology and devices. For me, my phone represents more than the latest gadget or trend. My first smartphone gave me the gift of freedom and flexibility to successfully manage a marketing company and pick up my kids from school every day.

What is your hidden talent?
Others call me an idea factory and like to invite me to brainstorming sessions. I think of myself as a percolator. Creative thoughts and the art of possibility seem to come easily to me—and I love the process of having those thoughts percolate inside my brain and then watching what comes out on the other side!

What do you like that most people dislike?
Folding laundry.

What are your three favorite things?
Snowcapped mountains, warm bubble baths and my beautiful family (not necessarily in that order!).

What do you do before you go to sleep?
Set the alarm on my iPhone, kiss my husband and say thank you for something that went well that day.

Who is your hero?
My mom, hands down. She was an extraordinary, unassuming, humble woman who endured the loss of two toddlers and had a daughter with childhood cancer, and she taught me that no matter what life deals you, you must be grateful for what you have and just put one foot in front of the other and carry on.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Controlling my emotions in public. I don't know if it's a particularly bad thing, but I do get teased about it. I cry watching people say goodbye at airports. I cry watching people say hello at airports too. :)

Kim H.
Hometown: Redondo Beach, California

"I am a 45-year-old woman born and raised in Los Angeles. A former professional dancer, I now work as a talent agent. I spent 15 years in New York but am happy to be a California resident again. I love the beach, riding my bike, reading, journaling, coffee, Broadway and ALL things social media."

What is your favorite OWN show?
I have two: Welcome to Sweetie Pie's and Oprah's Masterclass.

What is the one thing you can't live without, and why?
My iPhone. Believe it or not, I had a flip phone until three months ago. LOL! Nonetheless, I made it work for me! The iPhone enriched all areas of my life, from personal to business. I have apps for everything, from signing documents to cool emoji! It has helped me to organize my life in a FUN and ENGAGING way. I am also fascinated with the unlimited potential of social media to connect people.

What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is not using my life's journey to help others. I think it's important to share one's successes, failures and challenges with others. Honey, I have been up, down, sideways and everything in between. It's time to step out of my comfort zone and speak the truth. This is the first step.

What is your hidden talent?
I make a FIERCE grilled cheese. Yum!

What do you like that most people dislike?
I like paperwork. Yes, it's a funny thing about me. I love pushing papers. Give me a stack of paperwork and a deadline, and I am on FIRE! Love every moment of it! It's just one of those strange things about me. I am also that person who still gets excited at the thought of buying school supplies. Notebooks, pens, sticky notes and Wite-Out make my heart sing! I am such a nerd.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Drivers who tailgate! I live in Los Angeles and spend A LOT of time on the freeway. I get so stressed out when someone is on top of my bumper. I used to get so frustrated, but now I just pull over and let them pass me. It makes both of our lives simpler.

What is one thing you would like to learn how to do?
I would like to learn how to garden. I know it sounds funny, but people tell me it is really relaxing and meditative. It would be so cool to grow fruits and vegetables that I could eat. A flower here and there would be AMAZING too!

Also, cooking! I never really learned how to cook. My grandmother was an AMAZING cook, but I definitely did not inherit that culinary gift. I live on takeout food. That is so New York City of me! HA! I have definitely got to work on that.

Koren S.
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

"I am a 34-year-old single mom of two teenagers, ages 14 and 17. I am the founding office manager of a charter school, and I am also a full-time student. I am an active volunteer and mentor who loves to cook, read and just spend time with my family and friends. My house is the go-to house for all our family get-togethers."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Iyanla: Fix My Life and Blackboard Wars.

What is the one thing you can't live without, and why?
I cannot live without my iPhone. My iPhone has all my essential items that I just can't live without—from the pictures of my kids to my only picture of my mom, the Bible app as well as my inspirational music that always manages to pick me up at the right time. Don't worry, everything is backed up on my computer in case my phone is lost!

What is your hidden talent?
That's a tough one. I believe my hidden talent is cooking and baking from scratch, and also motivating others; I find that comes naturally.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Being by myself. Some people feel that they have to have their lives filled with being around someone. I like to spend time with just me every once in a while.

What are you proudest of?
My children. I was a teenage parent; I had my daughter when I was 17 and my son just a couple days after I turned 21. You can say, in a sense, we grew up together. We enjoy spending time with one another, and we are one another's biggest fans! Our relationship has created a bond that is so pure and filled with joy that I am going to go crazy when they leave to go to college.

What is one thing you would like to learn to do?
I would love to learn how to ride a motorcycle, fly a plane and run a nonprofit organization.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Singing and dancing...oh God, the horror! I have no rhythm whatsoever, and it cracks them up every time I attempt to do either. In my opinion, I am the best singer and dancer in America! LOL

What are your three favorite things?
Food, my mother's graduation picture and my journal.

Aaron W.
Hometown: Los Angeles, California

"I am a person that God has entrusted with many gifts. I am a pro musician and music teacher, an artist who draws and paints, a patented inventor, and a spiritual person. I have devoted my life to using these gifts to help people learn and apply these essential things that we all need in order to realize our beauty and gifts."

What is your favorite OWN show?
My favorite show of all time is when Oprah shared her journey to achieving her great success (Oprah Builds a Network). This is because she is so honest, open and genuine. I love how she expressed her love and gratitude for all her fans, and how appreciative and blessed she feels for having the opportunity to touch and improve the lives of so many people.

What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is not to fulfill my purpose in making a profound difference in improving the lives of others. It is a huge responsibility and a vital gift to give. Our time is now.

What do you like that most people dislike?
People tend to dislike what they do not yet understand. So, what I like is the simplicity of teaching the things that work in transforming people's lives in a new way that they do understand, will apply and thus will then realize their natural state of joy and being.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
I try not to have any. Sometimes, I am disappointed that people who could be more helpful do not fully achieve helping others. But all people are only working from what they know and are doing the best they think they can. You can't fault them for this. However, we as leaders can make the difference by being more effective communicators and teachers, and can help people to become more aware and effective.

What are you proudest of?
That I have developed a great teaching method that gives people access to their creativity and enables them to joyfully express it.

Who is your hero?
My heros are people like Oprah, Deepak Chopra, Bono, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder and many other artists and spiritual teachers! People who make other people's lives better.

What are your three favorite things?
(1) Playing and teaching music, (2) being a creative artist and (3) helping people achieve their best life.

Raquel M.
Hometown: College Station, Texas

"I am a 41-year-old single mother of one beautiful 17-year-old young man. I co-founded and run a nonprofit for single moms and married moms who are operating as single parents. I also have a concierge service that I do when not running the nonprofit."

What is your favorite OWN show?
I love "Super Soul Sunday," Oprah's Next Chapter and Iyanla: Fix My Life.

What is one thing you can't live without?
My Bible. It gives direction, focus, peace and a kick in the pants when I need it.

What is your biggest fear?
I've never been a fan of heights and not being in control. But...I'm learning to let my faith override my fear.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Hmm...hiding my emotions. I do not have a poker face.

What are your three favorite things?
Coffee, scented lotion and music.

What are you obsessed with?
I am obsessed with helping others as much as I can and growing our nonprofit. I have to force myself to turn it off sometimes. Lately, I've also become more obsessed with making the most out of this life I've been given; I was shy and insecure for far too long.

Who is your hero?
Jesus is my hero. Nothing amazes me or inspires me more.

Wilson Y.
Hometown: Laurinburg, North Carolina

"I have a wife of 30 years. On September 24, it will be 31 years. My wife and I knew each other less than two months before she became my wife. I have six children, four boys and two girls. I'm blessed to have people who love me."

What are your three favorite things?
Writing screenplays, shooting pool and spending time with my wife and kids.

What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
I give my wife a good-night kiss; that's after I pray.

What is your hidden talent?
God blessed me with talent to set my heart on doing something, and I can do it. Not just do it, but do it and be good at it.

What are you obsessed with?
Writing screenplays!

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I may be bad at my English, but I'm working on that as I speak. Someone is reading my screenplay in spite of my grammar, which means that they have to be very good.

Who is your hero?
Oprah! I love how she didn't take no for an answer. It reminds me a lot of myself. If you tell me that I can't do it, it makes me want to do it that much more.

Renee C.
Hometown: Long Beach, New York

"I am a 51-year-old woman living in Long Beach, New York. I love God and spirit. I am the mother of beautiful 25-year-old twins. I love fashion and have spent most of my career in the fashion industry as a designer or merchandiser. I love people, especially children. I love music and I love to dance (socially, that is). I love the outdoors and nature."

What is your favorite OWN show?
"Super Soul Sunday"!!!

What is the one item you can't live without?
My iPad! It keeps me connected to friends, family and the goings-on in the world. It's small, lightweight and portable, so I can carry it with me most of the time.

What is your biggest fear?
Not being relevant, not making a difference in the lives of others. Not being an inspiration to my children and others. Not reaching my highest potential and calling. I have felt for a very long time that I was put here to do something big—but have not yet discovered what that is after being here for almost 52 years.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Brussels sprouts for one, LOL!! Going out to dinner or to a movie alone.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people are rude!! It is so unnecessary and comes from a negative place. It only takes a few seconds to show love...and it goes such a long way.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Being on time—sometimes. I am always on time for important meetings, but socially I seem to get a little delayed...

Alexander B.
Hometown: Abilene, Texas

"I am a highly motivated and passionate college student who is always striving to reach my full potential and do my very best. I am originally from the U.K. and am chasing my dreams to become a graphic designer. I am also thrilled about traveling, cars, art and OWN."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Tyler Perry's Love Thy Neighbor! It truly uplifts my heart and soul, filling them with laughter and LOLing, and is building OWNTV to its best!

What is the one item you can't live without?
I can't live without art—without it, the world wouldn't have the opportunity to physically and emotionally express the wonders of imagination. In other words, it would just be blah!! Haha!

What is your hidden talent?
I've been told by at least 25 of my friends that being a student life coach is one of my true talents. I have the ability to always make people feel appreciative, and encourage them to always do their very best to reach their aspirations and lifetime goals.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I enjoy long road trips and having the opportunity to witness the pure essence, the beauty, of our planet on the open road. I like to go by "Our life is a continuous journey, but we come by milestones along the way."

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Unmotivated individuals. You can give up, give in or give it all you've got.

What would you like to learn to do?
I've always wanted to learn how to do salsa and samba dancing. Shake those hips!! Haha.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I am sometimes teased about my British sayings and pronunciations. It's my heritage, culture and a part of who I am, and I'm proud of it. :)

Jennifer F.
Hometown: Brisbane, Australia

"You said to be brief, so I'm going to dilute my character into 10 short traits: (1) intelligent, (2) intuitive, (3) expressive, (4) autonomous (if need be), (5) introverted, (6) FUNNY, (7) compassionate, (8) approachable, (9) talkative, (10) a really good writer!"

What is your favorite OWN show?
I love Oprah's Next Chapter. I am fascinated by interviews. I love to hear things from the horse's mouth and will always tune in to an interview I have access to. I've watched so many interviews on YouTube that I've run out. I love when people are candid!

What is the one item you can't live without?
A pen—be it an actual pen, a keyboard, a phone. Basically, some means of communication with others.

What is your hidden talent?
Burping!!! I can suck the air halfway down my throat and burp on command. That and the ability to have random words thrown at me and being able to formulate lyrics using those words very quickly.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Solitude when needed—I'm not afraid of my own company.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
People who just land on your door with no warning, and feeling embarrassed because I'm unprepared.

What would you like to learn to do?
Cook like a chef and play the piano.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Shutting up. I get told I talk too much and tend to go off on tangents. That and being single. :P

Jaime W.
Hometown: Washington, D.C.

"I am a down-to-earth, fun-loving sports fan (go Steelers!). I work and play hard. I work in the event management industry, so I know who throws a great party (on a budget, of course). My friends tell me that I should have been a therapist because I am a good listener and give good advice. I love God, my family, friends and a rainy Saturday."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Welcome to Sweetie Pie's!

What is the one item you can't live without?
OMG, I cannot live without Blistex Lip Medex. I absolutely hate dry lips (mine or yours), and Medex keeps my lips soft, moist and kissable. One time, I got about halfway to work and realized that I left my Medex at home—I politely made a U-turn and went back home to get it.

What is your hidden talent?
I am a closet stand-up comedian.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Brussels sprouts...YUM!

What are you proudest of?
Being the best aunt ever to my 12 nieces and nephews!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people are talking (loudly) on their cell phone on the Metro.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Being a kick-butt and take-no-prisoners type of businesswoman who cries at commercials. WHAT??? They're tearjerkers.

Paul G.
Hometown: Eau Claire, Wisconsin

"Hi, OWNers! I'm Paul. I live in beautiful Eau Claire, Wisconsin, with my partner of six years, Richie. We have an adorable and lovable golden retriever named Madison. Rich and I spend a lot of time outside working in our gardens or camping. We spend a lot of time with friends and family. I like to bake, cook and paint when I can to relieve stress and get some creativity flowing. I volunteer in our community a lot. I tend to be a jack-of-all-trades and dabble in a little of everything."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Ah, this is an easy one—Oprah's Lifeclass! I have learned so much about myself and those around me during this series. To say it's been eye-opening is an's been a soul opening!

What is the one item you can't live without?
Hmmm...I'd have to say the sun. I get cabin fever in the long Wisconsin winters. I need some sunshine in my life! Is there any better place to be than the beach? Other than that, I have a lot of things I like but nothing I can't really live without.

What was your first job?
I popped popcorn at a movie theater. I loved that job and worked there until I went off to college. Friday and Saturday nights were so exciting. People would crowd into the theater; you could literally feel their excitement in the air. I don't think people go to the movies in a bad mood, so it was a good crowd to be surrounded by.

When are you happiest?
I am happiest when I am surrounded by people. When I have a group of friends around or my family is all together, I light up. I love to entertain and have people over for food, games or movies. I like cooking for them and getting people together for parties—we just look for opportunities to have parties. Sometimes Rich and I feel like we are running a bed-and-breakfast...and that's okay with us!

What is your hidden talent?
I can go somewhere once and always get back to it. I rarely, if ever, get lost.

What do you like that most people dislike?
I am a closeted science fiction/adventure fan. If it has wizards, aliens, vampires or werewolves, or is set in the future, I like it. I'd be happy watching Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter or True Blood.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
I say this: "Thanks for allowing me to wake up today and experience this world. Help me to use the power of the universe around me to make this the best day possible for me and the people around me." I don't miss a day.

What are you obsessed with?
TV. I love it. Some people listen to music or the radio; when I am around the house, I listen to the TV. I am obsessed with HGTV. We have a beautiful house to prove it.

Marisa H.
Hometown: Oceanside, California

"I am a 42-year-old single female who walked away from a career in the corporate world three years ago to pursue a dream to help people with mental illness. I have been accepted into the nursing program at the University of San Diego this fall semester!"

What is your favorite show on OWN?
Oprah's Master Class. My absolute favorite Oprah's Master Class was with Morgan Freeman. He has great wisdom that opened my eyes to the possibilities that the world can bring if you persevere.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
I can't live without strong coffee, See's chocolates and my sister (who is my best friend).

What do you like that most people dislike?
As an aspiring nurse practitioner, bowel movements don't bother me. They bother other nurses, but not me. I am actually fascinated by it all.

What is your hidden talent?
I was in the marching band drum line in high school, so as an adult, I continue to play the drums on my knee or in my room when no one is around.

What are you proudest of?
I am proud that I had the courage to quit the corporate world despite the negative feedback I received from some friends and family. Deep inside me, I knew I had to pursue my dream of helping others rather than sit in a corporate office the remainder of my life. Who would have thought I would be this far into my dream?

What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is people not following through on their promises and commitment to me and others.

What would you like to learn to do?
I would love to learn how to skydive and train to run the half marathon in Nevada called Running with the Devil. Ah, that is what I would love to learn how to do. :) Brings a smile to my face.

Heather G.
Hometown: Burlington, Ontario

"I am an out-of-the-box type; I devour all things creative. Just about everything inspires me. I quietly stalk fashion and design, love to travel and haul my Canon Rebel just about everywhere. Old friends, great food, good fun and a warm beach always make me happy!"

What is your favorite show on OWN?
I will say Oprah's Master Class is a series that I rarely miss. It is refreshing to settle in and have what feels like an intimate conversation with some of the biggest industry leaders.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
Sadly...I can't live without my iPhone. Just about every part of my life can be tied back to it. Yikes!

What is your hidden talent?
I will say photography—my friends say my freakish organization/logistics skills.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Interesting question. Here is my list: love to sleep on planes, okra, laundry, swimming (black-girl reference), Coronation Street (been watching for years) and the ends of the bread.

What are you proudest of?
I am proud that I challenge myself to pursue the things in life that really inspire me. It's not always the most profitable or popular choice, but I am getting closer to my aha!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Rude people—it is usually completely unnecessary!

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I have a terrible sense of direction. I am very grateful for satellite technology.

Andy C.
Hometown: Plymouth, England

"I'm a 23-year-old incredibly blessed gay man about to marry the love of my life and start my very own next chapter later this year when I retrain and fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a teacher."

What is your favorite show on OWN?
My favorite is "Super Soul Sunday." [It's a] soothing and beautiful way to start a Sunday.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
My coffeemaker. Every morning, my partner and I share a big pot of coffee over the morning news, and I literally could not function without it.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Pickles/gherkins! In the U.K., it's hard to find anyone who loves a pickle, or gherkin as we call them, but I just cannot get enough of them. Delicious!

What are you proudest of?
My career—I've worked incredibly hard and achieved amazing things as a retail manager for different companies. I've ticked that box, have given it my all and now am ready to move my career on and face some new challenges.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Not saying thank you. I don't think that phrase can ever be used too much.

What would you like to learn to do?
I used to sing a lot when I was younger, but then I became a teenager, and singing show tunes was NOT cool, and I lost my voice and my confidence. I'd love to get this back and burst into a big musical number every now and then.

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
Remembering ANYTHING. I have the worst memory ever!

Erika C.
Hometown: Odessa, Texas

"I'm an easygoing person who is usually on the go between work, events, volunteering and other extracurricular activities. I enjoy traveling, concerts and a good laugh."

What is your favorite show on OWN?
Oprah's Next Chapter.

What is the one item you can't live without?
I honestly could not live without music; it feeds my soul.

What are your three favorite things?
Family time, traveling and concerts.

What have you recently learned to do that has been life-changing?
After attending the Oprah's Lifeclass with Rick Warren, I learned to "live for an audience of one." When he said "Life driven by guilt or approval will result in death by rejection," it stuck.

What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is not having enough time to do the things I want.

What would your superpower be?
I would love to be able to teleport!

Whose shoes would you want to walk in for a day?
I would want to walk in Beyoncé's shoes for a day; her confidence, work ethic and talent are unreal. How does she do it?!

What would the title of your life story be?
My title would be Essence of Erika: The Good, the Bad, and the Years of Singlehood in Between! LOL.

Melissa O.
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

"I'm pathologically optimistic—I'm not always happy, but think that I will be soon. ;) A proud Ohioan, I've come to think of Chicago as a playground with a new restaurant, sporting event or cultural wonder always waiting to be discovered."

What is your favorite OWN show?
Do I only get to pick one?? I guess I would have to say Oprah's Master Class.

What is the one item you can't live without, and why?
Chocolate—it just makes everything better.

What is your hidden talent?
Creating zany poems or rap lyrics to commemorate a fun event.

What do you like that most people dislike?
Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches...hey, don't knock 'em till you try 'em. ;)

What would you like to learn to do?
Cook amazing food without recipes!

What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about?
I'm terribly uncoordinated—so anything that involves balance or rhythm is not gonna be pretty!

What are you proudest of?
Having an incredible family and a fabulous set of friends, who help me become a stronger, more caring person just by virtue of being themselves.

Brittney C.
Hometown: Austin, Texas

"I am a kindhearted believer, who is passionate about people, helping others, dreaming BIG and all things OWN. I live in Austin, Texas. Yeehaw!"

What is the one thing you can't live without, and why?
I can't live without OWN TV because it is food for my soul. So grateful I finally have cable!

What is your biggest fear?
Twitter will shut down.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people don't update their egg on Twitter.

Who is your celebrity look-alike?
I've had at least 50 people tell me I look like Jodie Foster.

What is your favorite show on OWN?
Oprah's Lifeclass and "Super Soul Sunday"!

What would you love to learn to do?
I would love to learn how to dance and to speak French. Bonjour!

What was your first job?
I worked at Chick-fil-A when I was 15. Good times in the nay-bur-hood.

What is your annoying habit?
I like to high-five a lot.

What are your three favorite things?
OWN TV, basketball and grandmothers.

Jasmine H.
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

"I'm all about healthy living, good eating and spiritual harmony. If money were no object, I would live in a tree in an elephant camp and listen to their sounds."

What's your favorite show on OWN?
"Super Soul Sunday"! It's amazing how that show presents a lesson for me precisely when I need it.

What's your hidden talent?
Reading labels! I am the "guru"/natural-health consultant for my friends. I have cleaned up my diet significantly, which has triggered many other healthy changes in my life.

What was your first job?
My first job was at Wendy's. My best friend and I both worked there and had a running competition to see who would make Employee of the Month first. (She won!) We lived together in college and one night erected a monument to Wendy's with our Employee of the Month plaques, a framed Double Stack combo T-shirt, visors, etc.

What's your biggest pet peeve?
People who clip their nails on the El. Actually, any activity typically conducted in a bathroom performed on public transportation makes me shudder.

What is your obsession?
My dog, Sammy! Sammy is part baby, part cat, part stuffed animal.

What would the title of your life story be?
The Dosha Diaries: A High-Maintenance Girl's Guide to Living Mindfully

Kembala E.
Hometown: Jacksonville, Florida

"My labor of love is helping people transform their lives for the better. I'm passionate about helping people achieve goals they never dreamed possible!"

What's your favorite show on OWN?
"Super Soul Sunday"! Oprah has a brilliant way of asking meaningful questions to get guests to open up and share inspiring stories, lessons learned and powerful words of wisdom.

Tell us about yourself.
I'm happily married to my best friend, and we have two young daughters (6 and 9 years old). I've been a financial coach for more than 15 years. I left a comfortable six-figure job to help everyday people turn their finances around.

What's the one item you could not live without?
My mind. Without my mind I could not function at all. It's like having a cell phone without any power source. You can have the most sophisticated smartphone in the world, but without power, it's useless.

Who is your celebrity look-alike?
My friends, family and even complete strangers have told me that I look like Omarosa. While there may be some resemblance, I can assure you we couldn't be more different as people.

What's your hidden talent?
I'm a relationship expert. Yes, there's a little cupid in me that only comes out when someone really needs it. I'm pretty good at helping my friends find love! I help them change their perspectives and give them a few things to do, like make a list of characteristics they want in a mate.

What would the title of your life story be?
Unshakable Faith.

What would the title of your OWN show be?
Own Your Life because I believe it's important to do just that.

Tell us three of your favorite things.
Three of my favorite things are:
  • Books. Being well read and my insatiable thirst for knowledge are essential to personal growth.
  • Saving money. I'm a value shopper with a passion for saving money.
  • Food. I like to eat good food. I even gave up a massage on my honeymoon for a tasty lunch.
Featured OWNer Shar M.

Shar M.

Shar M. Bangkok, Thailand, and grew up in Victoria, Australia (Indian by heritage) I was born in Thailand, of Indian heritage, and have lived and worked in Australia, as well as the Far and Middle East. I operated the largest group of spas in Thailand before opening my own property in Abu Dhabi. Back in Australia, I run three successful businesses centered around Business Mastermind Groups, Business Mentoring and editingan online business-focused magazine. My goal is to open an orphanage in Thailand in 2016. What are your 3 favorite things? My 3 favorite things are: 1) Helping people find their purpose in life, as I believe we have One Life, One Purpose! (Also, the name of my upcoming book :-) 2) Connecting people authentically from the heart, and this only happens when we connect based on "Y" we do what we do, not "what" we do, and I do this through my work on, as connections made from a Y base come from the heart, whereas connections made on a what basis come from the head. 3) Spending time around the family dinner table, listening and watching my kids interact with each other and reminiscing about the trouble they used to get up to when we lived overseas. I know so much more about them now!! What would your superpower be? My superpower is to help people find their true purpose in life and assist them in turning their passion into profit through my mentoring program and workshops. If I had a superpower, I would make every person I meet see the genius zone inside them and stop letting past hurts and fears stop them from standing tall on their stage of life. I even have my own superpower character, as I ask everyone I meet for the first time Y they do what they do, so I am known as the YWoman! (I need a cape now!) What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Before my eyes are open, I acknowledge my achievements in life so far and remind myself how grateful I am that I am a wife, mum to three children, one grandchild, am an author, speaker and mentor and remind myself that just three years ago I was facing bankruptcy and now have a thriving business. I cherish all the beautiful people in my life and say affirmations in my head, about how I want the day to be, before my feet even touch the ground! Oh yes, all this followed closely by checking Facebook and Twitter� What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? Okay, I must admit, I work in bed� I know, I know� but when you are opening an orphanage in Thailand in a few years, every minute counts! So I do work all hours at the moment, doing what I love to do and the very last thing before I go to sleep I will chat with my husband about something great that happened today and he will massage my head until I fall asleep. I'm one lucky lady being married to my best friend for nearly 22 years. What is your favorite OWN show? I couldn't choose, I love them all, but if I had to pick one I would say Super Soul Sunday. I love Oprah's shows because she is congruent on and off TV and is so authentic I can relate to her just being her. I see myself in her and one day wish to be the Oprah or Shar-prah of Australia! Y not? If you can dream it you can have it, and I'm dreaming all the time! What is the one item you can't live without and why? My family. They mean everything to me. And an item would be my lipstick. You never know who you might meet around the next corner! Who is your hero? I have many heroes and mentors in my life and some are globally famous like Oprah and some are just a few steps ahead of me. I don't believe in elevating anyone up to a higher status, however, I hugely respect my mentors for the brave steps they have taken and times they have picked themselves up from the bathroom floor at 2 in the morning and follow them closely. I love Debra Lee-Furness, and her work with orphans. What do you like that most people dislike? I like chili for breakfast and I don't think many people would like that! I am Indian after all�. What would you like to learn to do? Sing�. Even my shower singing is bad! What are you particularly bad at that your friends tease you about? Not much really, but I guess they always laugh at my saying that I want things done yesterday and even then, that's too late!