
John Resists Taking Family Photos—Until He Comes to a Surprising Realization

Season 1 Episode 107
Aired on 05/27/2017 | CC
Aventer has been planning a big family photo shoot and has everyone excited—that is, everyone except John. "I'm not a picture person. That's your family tradition," he says to Aventer, protesting the idea of taking part in her beloved family photo custom.

John's mother, Alice, and Aventer's parents, Bonnie and A.Y., are quick to step in, offering compelling reasons why capturing moments are essential when raising a family.

"These moments you just can't get back," Bonnie says.

Alice adds, "You do what you can when you can. Sometimes, it's just a snapshot here or there."

Tune in to The Book of John Gray every Saturday at 10/9c, only on OWN.

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