
John Helps a Flood Victim See Water in a New Way

Season 1 Episode 101
Aired on 04/15/2017 | CC
Pastor John Gray counsels Aldreamer, a single mother, at Houston's Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park. She and her three children lost their home in the recent flooding of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Aldreamer updates John on how she followed through on his unique assignment to "pay it forward" to someone less fortunate then her, and reveals how that one action helped change her perspective on her own difficult situation.

John also explains to Aldreamer that he brought her to this beautiful architectural fountain to change her view on water and to let her know that the storms she has suffered through have a deeper meaning than she thinks. Right on cue, just as Aldreamer shares some exciting news, it starts raining.

Seeing it as a sign, John takes Aldreamer by the hand out into the sudden shower, and he reminds her that God has not forgotten about her. "This is just the first act," he says. "Baby, God's got a whole lot more coming your way."

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