
John to an Alcoholic Mother: "Do You Want to Live?"

Season 1 Episode 104
Aired on 05/06/2017 | CC
John responds to a plea for help from Dan, a desperate father who is worried about his adult daughter, Leah, a single mother. Leah struggles with issues of abandonment and abuse from when she was a child, which she masks by turning to alcohol. Dan shoulders a large part of the blame: He left her at a young age and struggled with drug addiction for much of his life.

Still, John believes it's time to pull Leah out of her pain and guide her to a healthier lifestyle. Is Leah ready to accept his help?

"Do you want to live?" John asks her.

Watch as John attempts to get Leah to finally accept that she has a drinking problem and face the fact that the stakes are extremely high, given that she has a child who depends on her.

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