
John to a Rebellious Teenage Girl: "This Is an Issue of Respect"

John is called upon by Tonya, a single mother who is at the end of her rope because her teenage daughter, Kaylana, blatantly disrespects her. During their meeting, John discovers that Kaylana has a history of stealing and even drove the car owned by Tonya's fiancé into their house.

"This is an issue of respect," John tells both mother and daughter. "That's what this boils down to."

Tonya has always considered Kaylana her "miracle baby" because doctors told her she shouldn't have Kaylana because of trouble in utero, but Tonya chose to have her anyway. John believes that, for 17 years, Tonya has been so busy admiring her miracle that she has not provided the discipline Kaylana really needs.

Here, the pastor gets frank with Kaylana, telling her that it's time she showed her mother some respect.

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