
Benny Becomes Candace's Accomplice

Season 3 Episode 305
Aired on 02/03/2016 | CC
All Benny wanted was to have a talk with his sister, Candace, but when he forces his way into her house, he finds himself at the scene of a murder. Benny starts to panic, asking Candace what happened. Candace nervously recounts the events that led to her and Jeffery stabbing Quincy to death in self-defense.

"This isn't going to look like self-defense," Benny says.

Candace had been struggling to find a way to get rid of Quincy's body when Benny showed up, but it was too heavy for her to move on her own. Out of a protective instinct for his little sister, Benny makes the decision to get rid of the body for her. "I got this," he tells her.

There's one other problem, though: Where has Jeffery gone? "Did he go to the police?" Benny asks.

Candace assures him that Jeffery wouldn't do that, but Benny sends her on a mission to find him—to be sure.

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