
The Stranger Who Told Amy Purdy She Was Going to "Cross Over"

Season 6 Episode 604
Aired on 02/16/2015 | CC
Amy Purdy was 19 years old and working as a massage therapist at a Las Vegas hotel when she experienced a truly divine moment just one month before fighting off a deadly form of bacterial meningitis and losing her legs. After getting off work, an exhausted Amy had just reached her car when her manager called and asked whether she could come back and take care of a client who had been forgotten about. Amy took a deep breath and said she would.

Amy returned and met the man who had been waiting nearly an hour. "We shook hands," she says, "and he was so warm and so welcoming that, in that moment, I was really happy that I actually came back for him."

During the session, Amy says she began having a conversation with the man. "At one point, he said, 'Your touch is amazing. ... You feel like a very intuitive person,'" she recalls. "I said, 'Thank you, I kind of feel that way as well.'"

Then, Amy says, he asked her something that stopped her in her tracks. "He said, 'I have a question for you. Have you crossed over yet to the other side?'" In the video above, Amy describes how she felt in that moment, shares why she had a feeling she knew what the man was asking, and relates to Oprah why the man told her not to be afraid.

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