Step 2: "In My Defenselessness My Safety Lies"
As a student and a teacher of the metaphysical text
A Course in Miracles, I've come to learn that "insistence means investment." When we invest in the illusions of others by defending ourselves or fighting back, we only invest deeper in the craziness. Engaging in negativity creates more of it. Therefore, instead of fighting back or becoming defensive, I remind myself of the
Course's message: "In my defenselessness my safety lies." Choosing to release defensiveness helps us steer far away from creating more drama. Fighting back is like yelling at a barking dog. There's no good outcome. Instead, practice defenselessness and witness how much energy and time you save avoiding more drama.
Step 3: Forgive and Delete
The final step is the clutch move. As I said to Oprah, we must forgive and delete. Oprah was pretty psyched to learn that we could actually manage our social media fans. Though we don't have full control over what people say, we can block nasty people and hide hateful comments. But rather than block and hide with an energy of resentment, let's forgive first. Forgiveness helps us detach from the negative energy cord that can live even through the Twittersphere or the Facebook universe. Energy is in everything. If we don't clean up our energy through forgiveness, we'll continue to carry negativity. In the case of handling haters on the Internet, it's imperative that you practice the f-word and forgive. Steps 1 and 2 will prime for forgiveness. Compassion will reconnect you to a sense of oneness and defenselessness, which will help you put down the boxing gloves and settle into a new perspective. The final step is to let go fully and forgive. In this step, you'll use prayer once again. Simply say, "I pray to forgive you and release you." Then feel free to block the user or hide the comment. If you have the power to clear the feed, let that become part of your practice. There's no reason to let negative comments linger. Simply forgive and delete.
Practice Positive Posting
These three steps will help you navigate negative comments on the Internet, but what's most important is to practice raising the positive energy around you. Where there is darkness we need to bring more light. Therefore, join me in 30 days of positive posting. Commit to refrain completely from negative posts and only share positivity. Post your favorite quotes, retweet inspiring nuggets of wisdom, Instagram enlightening photos and pin beautiful pictures that make you smile. Our greatest response to negative posts is a positive one. If we all join together to share more positivity and love on the Internet, the energy of love will heighten. And when love spreads, there's less space for negativity. Join us on November 18 for "Super Soul Sunday" and keep us posted on how your 30 days of positive posting shifts your energy and your life.
Gabrielle Bernstein is the author of Spirit Junkie
(Three Rivers Press). Learn more about her books, workshops and other events at