
The Advice Cheryl Would Give to Her Younger Self

Season 7 Episode 706
Aired on 04/10/2016 | CC
By the age of 26, Cheryl Strayed had plunged into a downward spiral. Grieving the death of her mother and reeling from a broken marriage, she embarked on a solo hike up the Pacific Crest Trail. A turbulent journey of sorrow and healing, documented in her memoir Wild. The author has come a long way since.

So what advice would Cheryl give her younger self? Her answer is simple. "Just relax. And don't worry so much about, you know, finding the answers and finding love and finding, you know, success," she says. "Just do your work. Live your life. Be kind. Be good. Pay your own electric bill. It's gonna turn out okay." In the video above, Cheryl explains why she would tell her younger self to trust her gut, rather than living life based on someone else's expectations.

Don't miss the new episode of Super Soul Sunday on Sunday, April 10, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ET/PT.