
The 9 Words That Changed Dr. Maya Angelou's Life Forever

Season 4 Episode 410
Aired on 05/12/2013 | CC
Editor's note: We were deeply saddened to learn of Dr. Maya Angelou's passing. The following is from her May 2013 appearance on "Super Soul Sunday."

Dr. Maya Angelou wrote her new book, Mom & Me & Mom, to better understand the life of her mother, Vivian Baxter. Dr. Angelou lived with Vivian until she was 7 and resumed living with Vivian when she was 13. Though Dr. Angelou says Vivian was a "terrible" mother for young children, she was a "fantastic" mother for young adults. When Dr. Angelou was 22 years old, Vivian told her something that changed her life forever. Watch to find out what it was.