
Former Vice President Joe Biden on His Decision Not to Run for President

Season 8
In a revealing Super Soul Sunday interview, former Vice President Joe Biden opens up to Oprah about why he decided not to run for president in 2016.

"You have no regret, in the deepest, quietest, purest moments, about not actually running?" Oprah says.

"Oprah, no woman or man should announce they're running for president unless they can answer two questions," he says. "One, do they truly believe they're the most qualified person for that moment? I believed I was. But, was I prepared to be able to give my whole heart, my whole soul and all my attention to the endeavor? And I knew I wasn't."

Here, the former vice president and longtime senator reveals why the decision to forgo the presidential bid still weighs on him.

Tune in to Super Soul Sunday on Sunday, November 12, at 11 a.m. ET/PT. Plus, check out Oprah's new podcast, Oprah's Super Soul Conversations. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts.