
How to Maintain Faith When Life Seems Unfair

Season 8
Brother David Steindl-Rast—author, scholar and Benedictine monk—encourages people to trust every situation life brings. An unshakable faith, he believes, is the foundation of a successful life.

Yet, perhaps that is easier said than done. During Oprah's Super Soul Sunday conversation with Brother David, she asks, "How can you develop faith—maintain, sustain faith—when you really think life has been really unfair?"

"If you look back on your life, you see situations and times when everything seemed to be just terrible. Terrible. Catastrophe," Brother David says. "Now, out of this catastrophe, not in spite of it, even because of it, you got where you are, and that is so encouraging."

Here, Brother David and Oprah discuss how to develop a "trust in life" so that, as Oprah says, "even when the hard times come, you know you'll get through it."

Tune in to Super Soul Sunday every Sunday at 11 a.m. ET/PT. Plus, check out Oprah's new podcast, Oprah's Super Soul Conversations. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts.