
How the Night Sky Can Be Your Religious Sanctuary

Season 6 Episode 618
Aired on 10/18/2015 | CC tv-14
In a world in which more people are identifying themselves as spiritual rather than as members of a specific religion, best-selling author Thomas Moore believes anyone can forge a personal path to God. In his most recent book, A Religion of One's Own, the long-practicing psychoanalyst describes how a seeker could begin such an individual quest without the compass of a single religious doctrine.

"I would say go outside at night where there are no lights and just look up into the dark sky and look at the—what's going on up there," he tells Oprah during their Super Soul Sunday interview. "And notice what you feel. Notice the—what's happening to you as you look. And notice what —where your thoughts go. And discover what wonder means. That you begin to feel wonder. That is the beginning of the religious feeling, I think."

Watch as Thomas and Oprah discuss how a sense of "awe and wonder" at the natural world and our place within it forms the foundation of personal spirituality.