Book Excerpt: Make Every Man Want You by Marie Forleo
172 pages; McGraw-Hill
Available at Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Indie Bound
Irresistibility 101
Have you ever had the feeling that you were meant for great things? As a little girl, did you know you had something special to express into the world? Many of us have lost touch with our whimsical, feminine dreams of greatness in exchange for a more driven, masculine take on success. Without even knowing it, we’ve been enlisted on a mission: to prove we can do it as well as, or better than, the men. We are all so desperate to attain what we imagine will make us equal and happy (a successful career, marriage, family, 2.2 kids) that we forget who we really are: brilliant, sexy, and magical beings like no other.
We've forgotten that our power lies not in competing with or trying to be like men but in embracing our natural and womanly strengths of compassion, enchantment, and tenderness. We are intuitive healers and masterful lovers. Our hearts run deep with emotion, and we cast a wide net for spiritual truth. Our sexuality and feminine wiles inspire, enliven, and empower. We are remarkable.
The world is in desperate need of irresistible women: women who are willing to be enthusiastic, alive, and expressive—regardless of the circumstance; women who are not afraid to tell their truth or speak up for what they believe in; women who feel at ease being intelligent, sensual, and compassionate all at once; women who do not compete with, demean, or do battle against men (or other women) but who see everyone for who they really are—fellow human beings also in search of a great life, in search of love.