
When Alanis Morissette Met Her Soul Mate: "There Was This Limitlessness to Where We Could Go"

Season 5 Episode 523
Aired on 09/21/2014 | CC
In 2010, Alanis Morissette married Mario Treadway, a musician better known as Souleye. The couple welcomed their son, Ever, on Christmas Day that same year.

Alanis says she knew he was different the instant she met him. "I would date people, and there would be something about me that would hit a brick wall with whomever I was sitting across from," she says. "And with Souleye, when I first met him, I could see that there was this limitlessness to where we could go."

Find out why Alanis says she knew their relationship was going to be challenging and beautiful from the start.

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