Hello Fellow Raising Whitley Fashion Fans:

Sometimes when going to visit the Hollywood wife you gotta spruce it up, but keep it casual, especially if she's like my Kym who loves the way you dress (well, most times). Now, although I am a man of a particular age (wink, wink), I do appear much younger, and I love to sport the return of the "Drop Crotch Pants". You remember the pants made popular by MC Hammer or the Jeannie Harem Pants? Well, they're back with a new name!

I decided to pair the pants with the military army camouflage look, right down to the shoes! This print is everywhere, and ranges from low end to high end in price. The patterns/shades of green, do not have to match exactly, because trust, once you put it on you have way too much going on for anyone to notice the colors or patterns don't match...lol! Stay tuned to see my Joshua in some very soon!

Now, on a casual middle of the week, lunch date with friends (in this case with my Gurls: Omarosa, and Luenell) I rocked my afro look (truthfully, I washed my hair but did not have time to flat iron it, but any-who). Look let's face it, everyone wears jeans, so to make yours different. Find some, or make some, or have some made, that will set you apart from the crowd! As you see I had a little brown Pleather added to the sleeves (btw, pleather is leather's brother, i.e. not real). What you may not be able to see is that I also had a zipper going up the back of the entire shirt, so when I stand up from that table with those 2 divas, they won't be looking at them, nope. All eyes are on me or rather the back of my shirt. Take the attention any way you can get it, I say, but only in a good way.

Okay, okay, now what to wear on a blind date? Well, it is blind so will you be seen? Of course you will! They say first impressions are important, and trust, your date is looking at you from head to toe, and even checking to see if that's all your hair...LOL! Since, we were on the water and I am a cold natured one (not to mention, I cannot swim) I thought silver, pleather, accented with big gold buttons (told you what that means) in a light coat would be a good way to go. Here's a secret to the fab coat that was only about $120.00, and that I paired with silver pants: it is always good to start with one main item then dress around it to complete your ensemble. Well, yeah the red bottom shoes were a bit pricey but the silver spikes on the top completed the outfit, and there you have it Fashionista’s, you're ready for that blind date!
