Carmen MarrÓn is passionate about representing the Latino voice in the media industry and is transparent about the challenges to becoming a female director. The Mexican-American writer, director and producer grew up in the inner city of Chicago as a street dancer. MarrÓn especially relates with her community and is inspired to increase their representation in mass media through her storytelling. Some of her well-known works include her debut dance drama Go For It!, Endgame and Queen Sugar. She believes in coexistence and the delivery of cultural authenticity.

LASM: Carmen, you're a trailblazer on various fronts within the Latino community. Can you talk to us about your heart behind this?

Carmen MarrÓn: That's a huge part of why I'm doing what I'm doing. With a background in education and psychology, I was a guidance counselor. When I was growing up as a kid from the inner city, one out of every 10 kids were very economically disadvantaged. Then, when I was in graduate school, I knew that I wanted to give back to my community. I've had that burning desire my whole life. When I was a guidance counselor, I chose to work in the school districts in Phoenix, Arizona, that needed the most help.

When I saw the lack of Latinos on television, I realized that there wasn't representation. In my mind I thought, "Why don't I just try to teach what I'm teaching them, their life skills and everything about humanity [through television]? Why don't I put all that in a story, and then create characters that reflect their lives—bring out the hero in the characters' life journeys and write about their real challenges."

It was all truly me trying to fill the need for Latinos. What I really have learned and I've felt this my whole life: when you put your passion into something, you get there.

LASM: It's one thing to write a show, but you wrote, directed and co-composed it. How long did it take for you to put that project together?

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