
Why Michael Jackson Was an Inspiration to Supermodel Iman

Aired on 02/10/1993 | CC
Friends and colleagues of Michael Jackson came on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1993 to share personal stories of their interactions with the King of Pop. Oprah spoke with supermodel Iman, who starred as Michael's love interest in the 1991 music video for the hit single "Remember the Time," about her experience working with the music megastar.

Iman said there was no way she was going to miss the opportunity to be in Michael Jackson's music video. She also confessed that she never understood why people assumed Michael was shy and kept to himself. She remembered Michael's warm sense of humor on set, adding, "He could make anybody feel comfortable around him."

Above all, though, Iman was inspired by the visionary performer for his humanitarian outreach. As a native of Somalia and a humanitarian herself, Iman believed there to be no better spokesperson for healing the world than Michael Jackson, who tirelessly contributed to those in need.

Original airdate: February 10, 1993