
These 20-Somethings Want to "Start Dressing Like Grown-Ups"

Aired on 11/18/2010 | CC
John and Kate were recent college grads who were ready to take that giant leap into adulthood and a professional lifestyle—starting with their closets. The young couple came on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2010 to receive a makeover by the ultimate fashion expert: Carson Kressley.

Carson replaced John's tattered shirts, pants and shoes—along with his shaggy hairstyle—with a look that was much more clean-cut. John's girlfriend, Kate—who had also fallen victim to wearing nothing but comfortable, around-the-house outfits—was beaming when she revealed Carson's makeover, complete with red high-heeled pumps.

However, the biggest surprise was the one Kate sprang on her mother, who was sitting in the studio audience. Find out what elicited screams of joy from Kate's mom.

Original airdate: November 18, 2010