
How Oprah Helped More Than 400 Black Men Pursue Their Dreams

Aired on 05/17/2011 | CC
Education is important to Oprah. That's why, in 1989, Oprah worked with Morehouse College to develop the Oprah Scholars program, which has helped pay for the education of 400 black men as they pursue careers in banking, law, medicine and many other fields.

Today, the recipients want to pay it back. Together the Morehouse graduates pledged more than $300,000 of their own money to educate future Morehouse men, Tyler Perry announced during the Oprah Show farewell spectacular.

Watch the video above to see Oprah tear up when she hears the news.

Original airdate: May 24, 2011

Watch more historical moments involving race relations and Civil Rights from The Oprah Show's 25-year run.