
Oprah Gets Asked a Big Question

By 2003, Oprah had already established an impressive career as a widely influential television presence. After one taping of The Oprah Winfrey Show that year, an audience member asked Oprah, "As such a powerful person, what are the things that you want to achieve next?"

It was a big question to take on, but Oprah started by discussing how she got to where she was—which was largely without a specific vision. This was contrary to the philosophy of her beau, Stedman, who was fond of saying, "With no vision, the people perish."

Oprah went on to explain that, having become more successful that she'd ever dreamed, she was starting to come around to that way of thinking. "Stedman is finally right," she said.

Watch as Oprah paints her vision for the audience, built upon the belief that "without education, the people perish."