
Why LaTonya Calls Her Sister the "Devil" and Scoffs at Her Plea for Help

Season 5 Episode 510
Aired on 04/07/2018 | CC
When 44-year-old Jackie wrote to Iyanla asking for help mending her broken relationships with her older sister and eldest child, Iyanla could feel Jackie's pain coming through her words. Jackie's older sister, LaTonya, however, doesn't believe a thing Jackie says.

In the video above, Iyanla reads aloud what Jackie had written to her, only to face a slew of interruptions, disagreements and eye rolls from LaTonya, who feels that Jackie's volatile and violent behavior negates her sincerity. "Jackie is the devil," LaTonya says. "Don't ever disagree with her. You can see her kick these cameras clean off this set, and y'all going to have to call the police."

Iyanla presents a different perspective in hopes of helping LaTonya have more compassion for her sister, but LaTonya has difficulty moving past her own harsh judgments.

Tune in Saturday, April 7, at 9/8c.