
What Debi Thomas Doesn't Want Iyanla to Know

Season 3 Episode 313
Aired on 11/07/2015 | CC
Former Olympic figure skater Debi Thomas was once America's sweetheart. After leaving the sport, she went on to become one of the few African-American orthopedic surgeons on the country.

Today, her life has taken a 180. She is twice-divorced, broke and has even lost custody of her son. Escaping to a small coal mining town in Virginia, she now lives in a run-down trailer with her fiancé, Jamie, and his two young sons. But their home is far from peaceful, as Jamie struggles with both anger and alcohol.

"He can get in a dark place when he's under stress," Debi says. "So if you bring in alcohol with that, he doesn't know what he's doing. So something has to change."

When Debi sits down with Iyanla, it's clear that she's not being 100 percent honest—there's something Debi doesn't want Iyanla to know. Watch the above video as Iyanla presses her to come forward about her real struggles. Plus, why the police have been called to her home.

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