
Iyanla to a Father of 34: "Do You Love Them Enough to Let Them Go?"

Season 3 Episode 303
Aired on 09/13/2014 | CC
This is a family unlike any Iyanla has ever worked with. Jay, a 44-year-old man, has fathered 34 biological children with 17 women. After sitting down with Jay and four of his adult children, Iyanla says it's clear that Jay has never been held accountable for his behavior. Now, he must face the consequences.

Iyanla believes that these children—Jay Wes, Tanisha, Iman and Chantelle—can't have a relationship with Jay because they can't trust him. "They don't trust you with their heart because of your inconsistent, irresponsible, self-aggrandizing, ego-based behavior," she says.

What is the one thing Iyanla says Jay can do for these four children if he loves them? Find out now in the above clip.

More from Iyanla: Fix My Life

Iyanla is also teaching a six-week eCourse on forgiveness. Sign up for the class today!