
Ryan's Recovery From Emotional "Open-Heart Surgery"

Season 3 Episode 312
Aired on 10/18/2014 | CC
During a discussion with Iyanla about love, infidelity and the responsibilities of being a father, Ryan, a man with multiple children by many different women, and his mother, Debra, shared the pain of their past on Iyanla's stage.

Now, Ryan, his fiancé and his mother return to share how their lives have changed since that emotional moment, which Iyanla refers to as "open-heart surgery." After returning home, Debra says she realized their breakthrough was much bigger than the two of them—and Iyanla agrees. "You awakened mothers all over this planet when you made that classic statement, 'I made you a container for my rage,'" Iyanla tells Debra.

Over the past few weeks, Ryan says he's realized that he's broken a lot of promises over the years. He recently sat down with the mothers of his children to ask for their forgiveness and acknowledge them for making it possible to pursue his goals. What else is Ryan doing differently?

"I've started counseling," he says. "I FaceTime my children every morning. I start my day and let them know that they can start their day with daddy."

Watch as Ryan discusses the biggest step he's taken since baring his soul on television.

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Iyanla is also teaching a six-week eCourse on forgiveness. Sign up for the class today!