
Nakeda Reveals the Sexual Trauma She Suffered at Age 12

Season 5 Episode 518
Aired on 08/18/2018 | CC
Iyanla believes that her guest Nakeda, a woman who has six children with five different fathers, is stuck in a pattern of dishonoring herself to satisfy the wants and needs of men. However, Iyanla is shocked to learn that this pattern began with a violent, traumatic incident when Nakeda was just a child.

As Nakeda describes, a neighborhood boy pushed her to "become a woman" when she was 12 years old. What Nakeda didn't realize was that this meant having sex with multiple other boys in the neighborhood, ranging from age 14 to 20.

"I was taken to a house. I was alone, and I stayed in that house all day," Nakeda recalls. "When I came out, it was dark outside and I could barely walk. And, like, I was bleeding so bad I couldn't really sit down."

Watch Episode 518, "6 Kids, 5 Baby Daddies & No Clue"

Tune in Saturdays at 9/8c on OWN.