
Marie's Mom Makes a Shocking Confession About Her Winning Lotto Numbers

Season 4 Episode 405
Aired on 10/22/2016 | CC
When one of Marie Holmes' lotto tickets hit the Powerball jackpot in 2015, she was completely stunned—but the truth about where those winning numbers came from is equally stunning. Sitting with her mother, Fontella, Marie learns that her "random" winning numbers weren't random at all.

"I kept dreaming about your brother that we lost," Fontella tells Marie. "His birthday; he was the third child; he'd have been 25 that year. And those were the numbers."

"So you picked the numbers?" Marie asks.

Fontella nods. "I just wanted you to better yourself, for the babies," she says.

As Marie tries to process the information, she mentions that she wishes she would have known this fact sooner. When Iyanla asks why, Marie says, "Because then it would be her and not me. I mean, I would be happy for her for winning it."

Marie then expresses her gratitude to her mother for her $188 million sacrifice. Fontella says it's a sacrifice she wanted to make.

"If I could do it all over again, I'd have still did it the same way I did it," she tells Marie. "I want you to better yourself and be the better mom than I was."

Another eye-opening moment:
Marie feels the physical weight of her new financial burdens

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