
Michael McCary Breaks Down over Not Seeing His Kids in 7 Years

Season 4 Episode 409
Aired on 11/05/2016 | CC
Toward the end of Michael McCary's 14-year marriage, he considered his relationship to be completely beyond repair. "We were just going through too many things," says the former Boyz II Men member. "It was at a point that I wanted to choke her, and I knew I had to leave."

However, walking away from the marriage seven years ago also meant walking away from his three children. The children are now 17, 16 and 13, and during a truth-telling exercise at the House of Healing, Michael reveals the painful truth about how long it's actually been since he's seen them.

"To this point, I have not seen my kids in seven years," he says. "We were talking daily while [my ex-wife] was at work. ... When she found that out, she disconnected the telephones and all that stuff."

"And you haven't spoken to them in how long?" Iyanla asks.

"Now, four years—four and a half years," Michael says.

Saying those words aloud overwhelms Michael, and he walks away from the table, sobbing as his fellow housemates rally around him in support. As heartrending as the moment is, Iyanla believes that facing the pain head-on is helping Michael take responsibility for his role in his broken relationship with his kids.

"Now that he is being honest with himself, he can begin to heal," she says.

Tune in to Part 3 of "House of Healing: Fix a Black Man's Heart" on Saturday, November 12, at 9/8c. You can also catch up on full episodes of Iyanla: Fix My Life on the Watch OWN app.

Another glimpse into Michael's family:
Michael McCary: "My kids helped me through my depression"