
Malorie Bailey Shares the Pain of Always Being in Sister Cynthia's Shadow

Season 5 Episode 520
Aired on 09/29/2018 | CC
Malorie Bailey is exhausted. She's spent much of her adulthood trying to create a certain life for herself, and now that her marriage of 12 years is over, it's time for Malorie to focus on who she truly is—not what she has. What makes this a challenge, Malorie tells Iyanla, is that she's long been in the shadows of her supermodel sister, Cynthia Bailey. In an emotional conversation, Malorie opens up about being known merely as Cynthia Bailey's sister and how joining Cynthia as a cast member on The Real Housewives of Atlanta only made things worse.

Tune in Saturday, September 29, at 9/8c.