
Laura Govan: "How I Look Does Not Define Me"

Season 4 Episode 419
Aired on 05/27/2017 | CC
While helping former Basketball Wives L.A. star Laura Govan move away from the outrageous public persona she developed several years ago, Iyanla makes a request of her guest: Show up next time "looking like somebody's mother, not a reality star or an accessory."

The comment doesn't sit well with the mom of four, who makes a point to then show up on set in full makeup, long earrings, polished hair and stilettos. As soon as she and Iyanla sit down, Laura confronts Iyanla.

"You said to me that I should dress more like a mother [as] opposed to being a reality star. I think that how I look does not define me as the hardworking-ass mother that I am. And I think that, with my accessory line, it is a job for me, and I work damn hard to do it," Laura says. "That offended me because I work so hard, and I felt like, for a second, you were trying to take it away from me."

Iyanla points out that she never made a comment about Laura's line of work as a designer, but Laura continues. "I felt like for you to judge me, to say, 'Come like a mother,' that was offensive. I am a great mother in all of this," Laura says, gesturing to her attire.

Iyanla stands her ground as well. "Here's the bottom line, Laura," she says. "You can get offended, or you can look for the lesson."

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