
Iyanla's Advice to the Mothers of Jay's Children

Season 3 Episode 303
Aired on 09/13/2014 | CC
During Part 1 of Iyanla's emotional mega-fix, she sat down with Jay—a father of 34 children—and the parents who failed him when he was a boy.

Now, Iyanla brings Jay's mother, Stacey; his two sisters, Karimah and Malikah; and five of the 17 mothers of his children together to set realistic expectations. "This is never going to look normal...ever," Iyanla says. "Y'all have got to be creative in the way you secure the children, and honor and respect each other."

Watch now and find out why Stacey says she owes these women an apology.

More from Iyanla: Fix My Life

Iyanla is also teaching a six-week eCourse on forgiveness. Sign up for the class today!