
Iyanla Urges a Man Not to Dishonor His Ancestors by Selling Drugs

Season 4 Episode 424
Aired on 10/14/2017 | CC
Before 28-year-old Cornelius can work on fixing his crumbling marriage, he must first take a hard look at himself and his past. Abandonment is a big theme in Cornelius' life, as both his father and grandfather were in and out of jail—and Cornelius is close to repeating the pattern.

"I was just facing, like, 30 years last year," he tells Iyanla. "I have been in the street, selling drugs, since I was 14 years old. Everybody in my family, you know, sold drugs, used drugs."

Iyanla then urges Cornelius not to put his life at risk and dishonor his ancestors. "Somebody bore a whip and picked cotton and tobacco so that you could be here," she reminds him. "Because you are the one, the survivor of those who chose to survive. You are the heir, and they paid the debt for you. Don't put that in jeopardy."

Tune in to Part 2 of Iyanla: Fix My Life on Saturday at 9/8c.

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