
Iyanla Asks Cynthia Bailey Whether Sister Malorie Is a Gold Digger

Season 5 Episode 520
Aired on 09/29/2018 | CC
With Malorie Bailey's marriage all but over, Iyanla looks to Malorie's sister, Cynthia, and mother, Barbara, to shed light on Malorie's approach to relationships. As Cynthia says, Malorie has always been clear about her priorities. "She's always loved the idea of being in a relationship. She always loved the idea of being married," Cynthia says. "She wanted to be a wife. She wanted to be taken care of."

Barbara agrees that Malorie looks for financial security from men, which Iyanla addresses. "That's what I know—and I could be very wrong—is what I know as a gold digger," Iyanla says.

Cynthia appears caught off guard but doesn't dismiss the idea outright. "I know the financial security part of it was always a big deal for her," she says.

Here, Iyanla examines the pathology of Malorie's relationship to men, pointing to the example that her mother set when she was growing up.

Watch Episode 520, "Broken Reality: Malorie and Cynthia Bailey"

Tune in Saturdays at 9/8c on OWN.