
Iyanla's Take on Marie Holmes' Plantation Home

Season 4 Episode 405
Aired on 10/22/2016 | CC
When Marie Holmes won the lottery, she bought herself a sprawling estate in her hometown. It's an eye-catching property, but one of the first things Iyanla noticed when she arrived at the house was something that unsettled her: It's actually a plantation.

Iyanla mentioned this fact to Marie within a few minutes of meeting her—and a few times after that. In the above clip, Iyanla explains why she felt it was necessary to call attention to the home's history as a plantation.

"I believe that every location has an energy," she says. "So, it was important for me to help Marie recognize and understand that as a black woman living on a plantation, there was an energy that she was dealing with, sitting in, living through—in addition to what was going on in her own personal life."

Marie's various personal challenges, from her fiancé's incarceration to her strained relationship with her mother, were not issues that could be washed away with her financial windfall. Iyanla says that this is the crucial takeaway within "Lotto Drama."

"So many people believe that if they had a certain amount of money, they'd be able to live a certain way," she says. "Marie is a prime example that if you don't know who you are, if you don't have a strong sense of identity and well-being, all the money in the world is not going to fix how you see yourself and how you live."

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