
A Husband Who Has Cheated 50 Times Hears How His Actions Affect His Family—and Himself

Season 4 Episode 407
Aired on 10/15/2016 | CC
Dwight Henry's family is in crisis. His infidelity—and the fact that he had a child outside of his marriage—has caused a rift between him and his wife, Thelisha, who has completely shut down emotionally in the relationship. Complicating matters is Dwight's tendency to turn to cocaine and alcohol when times get rough.

One of the rough patches that Dwight struggled through came in 2006, when his cousin died. Dwight had already been unfaithful to his wife prior to that trauma, and seemed to easily slip back into old habits.

"How many times have you done that?" Iyanla asks Dwight about his cheating.

"Fifty," he says, looking away.

Iyanla then explains to the troubled father what effect his actions have not just on his betrayed wife and family but also on his own dignity as a person. "If you don't remember anything else that comes out of our time together, I want you to really hold this: that I am worth my own time, energy and attention," Iyanla tells Dwight. "When you know that, then you know that what you have to give to others is valuable. But if you're giving from a place of worthlessness, what you're giving is trash."

Another lesson for the Henry family:
Iyanla explains to Dwight's mother how some of her actions have been "kryptonite" to his soul