
Iyanla to Former Best Friends: "You Let a Penis Penetrate Your Friendship"

Season 3 Episode 303
Aired on 09/13/2014 | CC
In a home just outside of Atlanta, Iyanla sits down with five mothers who've had children with Jay, a man who fathered 34 children with 17 women. Three of these moms were pregnant by Jay at the same time.

It quickly comes to light that not only do most of these women know each other but also that two of them used to be best friends. Nicole says she was in a relationship with Jay when her former friend Charmaine also got involved with him. "What all of you have been doing is man sharing," Iyanla says.

Nicole says she's disgusted with Charmaine but admits that, even after learning of Jay's betrayal, she's still sleeping with him. "None of you have held him accountable," Iyanla says. "It hurts my heart that you are angry with her."

Watch as Iyanla tries to shift the blame game.

More from Iyanla: Fix My Life

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