
This Husband and Wife Lack One Crucial Thing Needed in a Healthy Relationship

Season 4 Episode 407
Aired on 10/15/2016 | CC
Dwight and Thelisha Henry have been married for 19 years, but their relationship is in clear breakdown because of Dwight's numerous infidelities and Thelisha's emotional numbness. They have been working with Iyanla to sort through their issues, but the process hasn't gone smoothly.

Dwight's resistance to having the family patterns interrupted has been a challenge for Iyanla, who explains to him the effect of his contention. "What you do is then you turn the conversation and make the other person 'wrong,'" Iyanla says. "You set it up in a way where people will not tell you the truth."

Although Dwight disagrees with this characterization, Iyanla stands by her assessment. She then speaks to both husband and wife, posing a question that can reveal the fate of their dysfunctional marriage.

"Do you trust him?" Iyanla asks Thelisha, gesturing toward Dwight. Thelisha shakes her head.

Iyanla turns to Dwight. "Do you trust her?" she asks. Dwight also shakes his head.

"This is what lets me know this thing here is done," Iyanla says, clapping her hands. "It's done."

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