
A Serial Cheater Offers an Emotional Apology to His Daughters

Season 4 Episode 407
Aired on 10/15/2016 | CC
Dwight Henry's numerous infidelities have damaged not just his marriage but also his relationship with his two daughters, 22-year-old Avanté and 17-year-old Lakesha. After working through some of his issues with Iyanla, Dwight becomes more aware of how his actions have affected his children, and makes an emotional plea for their forgiveness.

"I didn't know that my behavior was causing you guys so much pain," Dwight says tearfully to Avanté. "I would never have intentionally done this. But it's very important that you believe that I am totally aware of the hurt that I've inflicted upon you and your sister. I ask you to please forgive me. I let you down."

Avanté grabs her father's hand and, through her own tears, whispers her gratitude. "Thank you," she says, weeping. "That's all I ever wanted. That's all I needed."

The Henrys' time with Iyanla concludes, and although her work with them is done, their work is just beginning.

An update with the Henrys:
The Iyanla: Fix My Life team checked back in with the family after Dwight completed his 30 days in rehab, and learned that he changed for the better. Thelisha considered filing for divorce but has since reunited with Dwight. Although Dwight did not return the team's calls, Thelisha reports that he is still sober.

Avanté and Lakesha continue to grow in their healing. Avanté has moved in with her boyfriend. Upon graduating high school, Lakesha plans to pursue a career in cosmetology.

An outside perspective on the Henrys:
Iyanla offers insight into Dwight and Thelisha's relationship and why so many couples waver in their decision on whether to stay together