
Make Your Own Statement Door In Just A Few Minutes

Season 6 Episode 14
Aired on 04/15/2017 | CC
Give your front door some color with this simple project.

  • Pre-existing standard size door with door handle removed
  • 77" x 34" x 1/8" Lauan plywood (1 1/2" smaller than actual door)
  • Two 90" x 1 1/4" x 1/4" Wood trim
  • Four, 35" x 1 1/4" x 1/4" Wood trim
  • Four 30" x 1 1/4" x 1/4" Wood trim
  • Door handle set
  • Nail gun 16-gauge with 1" brad nails
  • Wood glue
  • Drill with 2 1/8” hole saw bit
  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Exterior enamel eggshell paint & primer in one –base & trim colors of your choice
  • Paint roller
  • Paint brush
  • Paint tray
  • Tape measure
  • Ruler
  • Miter box
  • Pencil
  • Hand saw (at least 18” blade)
  • Safety glasses


    Use a paint roller to paint one side of the lauan in the base color of your choice. Use a paintbrush or roller to paint three sides of the wood trim in the trim color of your choice. Allow the paint to dry for at least 2–4 hours before moving on to the next step.

    Lay the lauan on top of the door with the bottom edge flush with the bottom of the door. There will be a 3/4" inch gap around the lauan where the door is visible. This space will allow the original door to close without any modifications being made to the door frame.

    A hole will need to be cut in the lauanto allow a door handle to be attached in later steps. Trace around the existing door handle hole in the door on the undersideof the lauan. Turn the lauan back over. Using a drill with a 2 1/8" saw bit, drill out the door hole in the lauan.

    Apply wood glue in lines all over the back of the lauan. Turn the lauan back overmaking sure it’s flush with the bottom of the door.Line up the new hole in the lauan with the existing hole in the door. Temporarily holdin place with a 12" clamp on each side of the door.

    Lauan flush with bottom of doorGap on side and top edges to allow the door to closeOutline of door handle hole on underside of lauan.

    Put on safety glasses. Secure the lauan to the door using a nail gun 16-gauge with 1” brad nails spaced every 4"–6" around the edge and across the center.

    Lay a piece of 90" x 1 1/4" x 1/4" wood trimdiagonally across the lauan, letting it overhang the top and bottom of the door. Position it so it is 1/2" from the side edges of the lauan at the top and the bottom. Draw pencil lines across the wood trim where it crosses the lauanat the top and bottom.

    Use a hand saw to cut the wood trim from Step 6 along the pencil lines. Apply a line of wood glue to the back of the wood trim and attach it onto the lauan, making sure it is still 1/2" from the side edgesand flush with the top and bottom edges.

    Put on safety glasses. Secure the wood trim in place using a nail gun 16-gauge with 1” brad nails spaced every 4”–6” along the trim.

    Take the second piece of 90" x 1 1/4" x 1/4" wood trimand center it in the miter box, flush with one side of the box. Eyeballing the center of the wood is fine. Use a saw to cut the wood trim in half at a 45° angle.

    Take the two pieces of cut wood trim and lay them on the lauan, either side of the wood trim from Step 7 to make a large X shape across the door. Repeat Steps 6 to 8 for cutting the ends of the wood trim where they overhang the top and bottom of the door 1/2" from side edge of lauan.

    Flush with bottom/top edge of lauanMiter boxfor cutting wood at angles.

    To add the next trim triangle to the door, measure 29" up from the center of the bottomof the door and mark with a pencil. This will be the height of the middle triangle.

    Use the miter box to cut a 45° angle in one end of the 35" x 1 1/4" x 1/4" wood trim. Lay the trim on the door with the mitered corner resting on the 29” mark and the untrimmed corner overhanging the end of the door. Measure 3” in from the inside edge of the trim and line up the overhanging trim with the 3” mark.

    Miter cut wood trim either side of 90” x 1¼” x ¼” wood trimMiter cut to 45° angle 3” space.

    Measure 3” in from the inside edge of the opposite side of the door frame and mark with a pencil. To make the triangle, lay 35” x 1¼” x ¼” wood trimon the lauan with one end overhanging at the 3” mark andthe other end overlapping the 29” point of the trim. Mark with a pencil the angle at the top and bottom of the 35” x 1¼” x ¼” wood trimwhere it overlaps the top of the triangle and the door edge.

    To add the smallest trim triangle to the door, measure 22” up from the center of the end of the door and mark with a pencil. This will be the height of the smallest triangle. Attach trim to the angle 35” x 1 1/4" x 1/4" wood trimcut to fit and make the triangle.

    Add the 29” and 22” triangles at the opposite end of the door.

    Paint the edges of the door that is still visible around the lauanin the same color as the lauan. Also paint around the door handle hole. Allow the paint to dry for 2–4 hours before moving on to the next step. Pass the door lever latch through the side hole in the door. Secure in place using a Phillips head screwdriver and (2) 1” wood screws.

    Place a door handle over the door handle hole so the mechanism passes through the door lever latch.

    Attach the second side of the door handle on the other side of the door using a Phillips head screwdriver and the door handle screws.