
What Oprah Loves Most About the 3rd Episode of Greenleaf

Season 1 Episode 103
It's a scene that will live you speechless. In the third episode of Greenleaf, Robert "Mac" McCready, played by GregAlan Williams, confronts his sister Mavis (Oprah Winfrey) at her blues bar on Beale Street, in the heart of the music district in Memphis, Tennessee.

Mac knows that his niece Grace Greenleaf has been looking into his history, trying to expose a dark secret he'd do anything to preserve, and he's blaming Mavis.

Here, in this inside look, Oprah, who is also an executive producer of the show, reveals why working with GregAlan was one of her favorite parts of the episode. "You get to see within the energetic dynamic of this family that the front that they present is one thing, but what's going on behind the curtain is something completely different," she says. "So that's why I love this episode. I particularly loved working with GregAlan because I get to say, 'Get the hell out of my place.'"

Additionally, the show's creator, Craig Wright, says there's more at work in the dynamic between Mac and Mavis than one might think. "I think Mac is sick and misguided," Craig says. "I don't think he's seeing reality clearly. He doesn't understand the world correctly. Mavis, just like Grace, feels guilty about having lost Faith, about having not been able to push to get justice for Faith way back when, when it happened the first time. Grace ran off, but Mavis didn't go to the cops back then either."

Finally, Oprah teases a blowout scene to expect later in the season. "I love the dynamic that's showing itself between Mavis and her brother and, eventually, her sister," she says. "I tell you what I can't wait for: I can't wait for a scene with Lady Mae and Mavis. That's coming."