
Inside the Episode: Craig Wright and Kriss Turner Towner Discuss the Season 3 Premiere

Season 3 Episode 301
Greenleaf creator Craig Wright and executive producer Kriss Turner Towner dig into the Season 3 premiere of the megachurch drama. Craig and Kriss begin their conversation by addressing the tumultuous end of Season 2 and where the Greenleaf family picks up at the beginning of Season 3. With so many secrets and scandals coming to light, the Greenleafs have much to deal with.

"The family is in the deepest hole they have ever been in at the top of Season 3," Craig says. "I've always believed that in this show, more than in many, the characters actually have a right to have a lot of secrets because they are very highly placed individuals in society while at the same time being African-American. As a minority in white majority culture, they're not allowed to make mistakes. They're not allowed to screw up."

Craig and Kriss also discuss the added challenge the Greenleafs face as they try to solve their problems while upholding the integrity of their church, Calvary Fellowship World Ministries. "When you talk about the difference between keeping up appearances and hypocrisy, it is a fine line because you sort of want to live your life in a way that it works," Craig says. "But you don't want to fail God. You don't want to fail yourself. For the characters, these are spiritual problems; they're not just personal problems."

"And the hypocrisy lies in, you know, you're preaching the word and how are you living?" Kriss adds.

Watch as Craig and Kriss examine the test facing the Greenleafs, including Lady Mae's fall in status and Grace's mission to keep the family together.

The two-night season premiere event continues tomorrow, August 29, at 10 p.m. ET/PT—only on OWN.