
Kirk Franklin on Being a 17-Year-Old Father

Season 2 Episode 204
Aired on 06/02/2018 | CC
At 17 years old, future gospel star Kirk Franklin became a father. Having a child when he still felt like a child himself, Kirk says, was an incredibly difficult adjustment. "My life and my childhood was taken from me very young," he says.

Kirk admits that when his gospel career began to take off, he was able to live out some of that missing childhood, even after he married his wife, Tammy. "Now, I have a couple of dollars," he says. "I was ready to still have fun."

Tammy, who had a daughter of her own when she married Kirk, saw his fun-loving behavior play out firsthand. "Whatever the kids got, he got," she says.

Tune in to the full episode on Saturday, June 2, at 10/9c.