
D.L. Hughley on Infidelity: I Thought It Was Just "What People Did"

Season 2 Episode 203
Aired on 05/26/2018 | CC
D.L. and LaDonna Hughley have dealt with infidelity over the course of their 32-year marriage, but LaDonna says that it wasn't until long after her husband's first indiscretion that she was able to find her voice and assert that this behavior was "never okay."

As D.L. says, he had long assumed otherwise. "I never felt like it was bad. I thought men had other women—I mean, even in the Bible," he says. "I never associated [cheating] with being a moral failure. I thought it was kind of what people did."

It was only when D.L. realized the hurt and pain he was causing LaDonna and others that he reassessed. "Ultimately, I don't want my legacy to have been leaving so many people in [my] wake," he says. "So, that was what I started to think about."

Tune in to the full episode on Saturday, May 26, at 10/9c.